22 Sept 2015

Lightest weight since mid-July 2015 (July to Sept)

The best time for me to weigh in is at night, just before I'm going to sleep. To me, that's when I've fully pigged out for the day or when I've already worked off whatever calories I could afford to work off. Others may differ but I think one should just find a convenient time and stick with it when you're weighing in. For example, you might prefer to weigh yourself just after you've come out of the shower in the morning and before you've taken breakfast. It's a preference for me that I prefer to weigh myself for the record that counts (I'll explain what I mean by the record in just a moment) at night.

That is not to say that I would not weigh myself any other time of the day. Sometimes, I just feel like hopping on the scale in the morning. You could say that of late, I've been obsessed with weighing myself in the morning, in the evening after dinner and late at night after I've exercised and showered and just before I hit the zzzzzzzzs. The one that I should record is the weigh in at night.

For today, I'll make an exception....I hit my lowest weight this morning (pre-breakfast) since I started exercising in mid-July 2015!

So officially it's been 2 months of consistent rebounding (about 5-6 times a week) without going on any particular fad diet (eating regularly and practically normally) and I've lost 4 kgs (8.8lbs).

PERIOD OF TIME: 2 MONTHS (mid-JULY to mid-SEPT 2015)
Weight Loss:
4 KILOS (8.8 LBS)

Inch Loss:
Bust: 2 inches
Waist: 4 inches
Hips: 2 inch

I can't compare the other parts of my body because I did not think to measure them at the start of my weight loss journey. But I can totally see my lower tummy reducing in size. It's still there but definitely reducing. I also didn't lose the 4 kgs consistently like 2 per month. There was little movement and suddenly in the past month, the scales have been moving in my favour.

Depending on if you see the cup half full or half empty, 4 kgs may be too little for 2 months. But for me, an insulin resistance PCOS sufferer, where losing weight is so difficult, it should be a big triumph. So slow but steady. It's been a lot of hard work. There were days I would have preferred to just rest and relax or days I just didn't feel like doing it but I have been successful most of the time to overcome the laziness and just do it.

My weight loss has been going a tad too slow for me (so, I guess I find the cup half empty). Primarily because the main reason I wanted to lose weight was to bring my blood pressure down to a healthy level. It has come down but not consistently so. Like it was low last night but it might spike on another day so I'm not too happy with my readings as yet.

I am watching my calorie intake for the day but not being so strict with myself. I use the MyFitnessPal App to help me count my caloric intake. It helps to keep me in check. For example if I've had a big caloric lunch, then I'll be more conscious of my choice for dinner. I use it solely for that purpose and it's been a big help. I had to set a caloric goal and though they suggested 1200 calories per day, I had set it at 1500 calories per day. When I exercise, I can input it and they'll deduct the calories used. Well, everything is just a rough estimate but it helps to keep me in check. I've not gone bonkers and started weighing my food....yet.

I've said it before and I will say it again. Weighing oneself is not a good indicator of if or not your exercise and diet regime is working. I've had other indicators like finding outfits that once fit, becoming too loose. I used to have to adjust my strapless bra to the loosest setting (clasp) and now, it's on the tightest setting. That's a good indicator to me that my back fats and boobies have shrunk! Skirts which once sat just nice, are now sliding downwards. I wash my face and I immediately know that the surface area of my face has reduced!

However, having said all that about not depending on the weighing scale to set your mood, I DO weigh myself all the time! LOL. I can't help it and since I'm not in school and I report to no one but God, I allow myself this indulgence. You can imagine how elated I felt this morning, knowing that I've hit my lowest weight since mid-July! This is like the weight I was when I was doing belly dance classes thrice a week eons ago!

Thus, I feel motivated to push myself further. Weight loss too slow? Watcha gonna do? UP THE GAME! I don't think I can afford to exercise more than the one hour I am doing now so I'll have to reduce my calorie intake instead. I feel I am still eating too much carbohydrates so in that aspect, I will aim to reduce it. I can't take it away completely because firstly it's not healthy to do so and secondly, I'd become hungry and then I'd snack.

Did I mention that I overcame the urge to eat my paprika 'all natural' potato chips yesterday? Yes, I did! *pats own back* Good job, Me! I very nearly threw my bag of half eaten chips in the bin but then I thought I might still want to treat myself to one or two chips somewhere down the road....hehe...really nasty thought! I KNOW I won't be able to stop at one or two. So my bag of chips is still sitting all lonely, waiting its fate.

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