7 Sept 2015

Inch loss vs weight loss - update

The weight loss is making some progress but at snail's pace. It will yo-yo between going up and down and then slide down a little lower than before. So there IS some progress in the right direction. Meanwhile, I was elated when I went to try on a dress at a mall. I ended up having to buy the 'S' size because the 'M' and 'L' were too big.

I'm not naive. This particular brand manufacturer does make the clothes in a bigger cutting but hey, it's still an 'S'! I was so excited, I ended up buying two! (But of course, right? Same design, different print. That's so me.)

Meanwhile, I decided to take this silhouette to show you where I am still aiming to shape up more:

Where I have seen progress but still require a lot of progress
(Backside on the left, tummy on the right!)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I don't know if I have reduced my thighs or calves yet but the backside and tummy area have shown some reduction. It may not be apparent to others but I am obviously eyeing myself like a hawk so I know the slightest change! The tummy bulge is definitely there and the above pic was only Day 1 of the PMS bloating so it is worse now. It's really something to still be suffering from PMS as my age but I should thank God and count my blessings that I can still anticipate having regular cycles at all!
By the way, I am of course trying to reduce everywhere! I am overweight for goodness sake! That means, fat double chin, flabby arms, thunder thighs, heavy calves and ankles. You name it, I've got it.
I realised I am able to reduce my consumption of carbs. I will still eat food and if I really wanted to, I can still gobble down a plateful of carbs. However, I am also able to go without it. In fact, I feel quite uncomfortable nowadays, when I eat a lot of carbs. My mind still wants to eat that whole plate of chicken rice or the whole bowl of bakchor meepok (Minced meat in thin, flat yellow noodles) but if I do, I don't feel so good after finishing it off. 
An example of how my appetite has changed is for example, once at the office, I had some work to finish and left for lunch late. When I arrived at the canteen, there was hardly any food left except for a few tiny scraps at the Malay stall. I ate a wee bit of rice with a the scraps and still managed to stay full. 
But let me say, if there's anything I dislike, it's a 'dieter' who joins you for a meal and tells you in quick time that he or she is full. If I'm going out for a meal with you, I'd still eat a hearty one, rest assured. If it's a whole plate of pasta, fine, then so be it. If it's char kway teow, then it's char kway teow. No big deal. There's a time and place for everything. I'll feast and I'll exercise. I think this balance is exactly what I am striving for. I hope I will never turn into one of those 'I'll only have a salad' party poopers. I love food and if I have to exercise to have my food, I will! I musn't lose focus and think that this whole process of changing my lifestyle is only because I am obsessed with losing weight! My aim is to stay healthy and bring down my blood pressure so that I do not have to go on meds and I have to stay focused on my aim. Meanwhile, the world still revolves and there are family and friends to love and if loving means eating together, then bring it on!

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