30 Apr 2012

Just Grandma and Me

Warning: Wailings of a non-iPhone expert. 

When I finally decided to upgrade my old iPhone, I couldn't wait to get it all set up. My kids, 15 year old John and soon to be 18 year old Tessa, are the household computer technicians. See, I like the iPhone but I hate this idea of having to sync everything with iTunes. I liked it when I used to drag stuff in and out of my Android phone, in and out of the computer or computers. Anyway, I had to seek my kids' advice. They've got their own iTunes accounts so they didn't fancy messing theirs up with mine in their Macs. Help me, John? John? John! Can you help me? Tess? Tess? Can you help me, now??? My kids with their very busy lives. Very soon, I might just have to make appointments with their secretaries just to see them.

My kids like to stare at my old iPhone. I did not have a single song in my old iPhone. Nope. But had 4000 photos. My kids gave up on me. They asked me whoever had 4000 pics stored in their phone? Why I even bothered upgrading to another iPhone if I didn't fully utilise the benefits of an iPhone. Simple. I told them I wanted a good camera with me all the time and I didn't want to lug one around if I could have it with my phone. There. The new iPhone will serve its purpose as far as I'm concerned.

Back to the 4000 photos. I had to get them OUT of my old iPhone. So I synced it to my computer but when I synced my new phone to the computer, yep. The 4000 photos went into my new iPhone. Sheesh. I figured I had to somehow save my 4000 pics somewhere in my computer and not sync it back with my new iPhone. Asked kid 1 and kid 2 where my 4000 pics had gone when I had synced my old phone with iTunes. These computer technicians were vague. Somewhere, they shrugged. They use Macs and they know where iTunes stores them on their Macs but my Windows PC....goodluck, Mum.

Son says to drag them out of my old phone OR new phone; or basically delete them from my phone.....again, goodluck, Mum. I try to drag it from the phone to PC and all is smooth until my PC tells me I am running very low on hard disk space. Task is aborted. What!? I spend the next 2 hours deleting my kids' programmes installed in my PC to make space! Hmmmph! Yes, they and their MACS but why not install Windows games on Mum's Windows PC, hmmm? Well, actually, it's a laptop without a screen which is now functioning as a PC (more about that in another post, maybe). To cut a long story short, it's too late into the night and I abort task too. Zzzzzzzz..

The next day, I'm back at the computer dragging my stuff into an external hard disk and son comes along to ask if I need help. I didn't actually, seeing as they had both bailed out on me when I needed them most. Hubs walks in and is pleased that John is helping. I go....'Gaaaaaaah! I've already figured what I have to do by myself! He JUST sat down!'. Son teases me, 'Okay ah...I'm leaving now, you're on your own'. I poke him and remind him that I was the one who first put a mouse in his hand when he had to tiptoe to reach the computer table. I was the one who put on the CD game/story 'Just Grandma and Me' by Mercer Mayer (a wonderful story, just Google it)!!! Hubs laughs and says, 'Face it, he's over taken you'.

Anyhow, I did it. It took me forerever, but I managed to get rid of the 4000 photos from my NEW iPhone. I have 2 videos left in it which refused to be transferred out. AND, ta-dah, I managed to sync songs from iTunes to my phone (all without my kids' help!).

What am I trying to say.
#1 -- I hate all this having to keep up with technology. It's not in line with trying to simplify my life. Yet, I love new technology. I contradict myself. Okay, I love new technology but I hate how I have to keep up with it. How do I keep life simple, short of buying a super simple phone from 7-11.

#2 -- I love it that my kids know so much about technology and they're there to fix stuff I am now too lazy to fix for them. But I hate it that they forget that I'M THE ONE WHO TAUGHT THEM HOW TO HOLD A MOUSE!!! I'M THE ONE WHO FIXED UP THEIR FIRST COMPUTER, UNTANGLED THE MAZE OF WIRES. READ THROUGHT A MAZE OF SET UP DISCS. PLOUGHED THROUGH THE WHOLE CRAPPY DIAL UP INTERNET SET UP. There! I said it and don't you kids ever forget..............I love you all to death, you cheekadees : )

#3 -- I now have no photos in my iPhone.

#4 -- I now have songs in my iPhone.

#5 -- I need to transfer the 4000 pics from my computer into my external hard disk before my computer konks on me.

#6 -- I feel like reading / playing Just Grandma and Me again.

Ha ha...sorry. The above was all said, tongue-in-cheek. I'm proud of my kids' abilities and my very vague skills in handling 'technology'.

27 Apr 2012

Thump thump thumping along

2 nights ago, I walked up the 14 storeys and panted all the way. Felt like my lungs were going to burst and no oxygen was reaching my head. It was by far, the worst I've felt since I started 'exercising'. Didn't push myself so I walked down (legs all wobbly) and went back home to rest. Realised that my voice had also been hoarse that day and the day before but I wasn't showing any other cold symptoms. I thought I was perhaps sick without knowing it and that was why my lungs just couldn't handle the exercise.

Anyhow, went last night again and yay! My lungs were back to normal. I walked up and down and then felt like going for a jog. So I went thump, thump, thumping quite slowly and heavily along the road. It was double the distance that hubs had egged me on previously (mentioned in the following post)

It cannot be called running. More likely jogging but ever so slowly and consistently. I was elated. I didn't get out of breath at all. I figured it was jogging 400m without stopping. That's a real feat for fat me, okay. I could have gone one but I didn't want my calves to be aching during the approaching weeked (yippee, it's Friday today!) so I stopped. Headed home for a bath. Was surprised that sweat was still dripping off me as I sat in front of my computer after the bath. Hmmm....strange. Felt really good thereafter.

I want exercise to be a part of my lifestyle. No more excuses unless I'm physically unable to do it because of pain (like another sprained ankle or something). The good news is I feel so good the morning after but the bad news. Sob. No weight loss. I AM paranoid about seeing the reduced figure on my digital weighing scale but not willing to go on some silly restrictive diet. So, sigh. It's going to be a slow thumping road ahead. Pray for me. Be with me as I go on this very slow, journey.

20 Apr 2012

Still Stair Climbing

Was quite busy yesterday evening. Had to go run an errand at about 9pm but before that and just after washing up the dinner dishes, I put on my exercise gear and ran up my block. I realised I had reached the 8th storey before I actually started panting. Was pleasantly surprised. I stopped running and just walked up the balance of the 6 storeys. Then it was all the way down. Walking, not running, ok. I buy running shoes bigger than my actual foot size because I don't like tight shoes so I'm not about to trip down the stairs.

I saw that it had taken me 10 minutes this time to go up and down, so I went up again. Could still manage to run (or maybe it's more like prance) up some stories before I stopped at 7th storey. Then I decided 14 plus 7 being 21 was enough storeys to stair climb for one night. Worked up a good sweat and my heart was pumping furiously. I would have liked to cross over to the park for a short walk / run but I had the errand to run.

Here's my observation. Between my last stair climbing and last night's, I hadn't managed to exercise because the first stair climbing had left my calves aching! (much like the after effects of school 2.4km runs) I had decided to rest till they no longer hurt before starting again last night. That's the beauty of this self exercise regime. No hard and fast rules. No gimmicks. No hard selling tactics. No supplements. No fees. Free and freedom. I exercise when I want or need to.

Well, skipping the runs, together with 2 days' worth of chicken rice and char siew/ roast pork rice lunches, I had in fact gained a bit of weight. So, eating 'normally' and not exercising = gaining back some weight. But it wasn't a scary weight. It was still lower than before I had started exercising. That's good news, right?

I came home from running my errand and then hubs came home. I think he was a little jealous that I'd gone stair climbing without him (hee hee), so he went! Asked me if I wanted to join him again. Actually, I would have gone again, as I wasn't feeling tired at all but for the fact that I had already taken my bath. Was too lazy to go climb and then bathe again. Told him to go ahead while I went space out on bed.

Speaking of spacing out. I'm doing a lot of that lately. Just lying on the bed doing NOTHING. Not thinking. Not doing anything. Not sleeping either. Feels quite good actually but it doesn't last. Something will float into my mind and break the blankness. If you're female, you should try that one day. Just think of nothing. I heard guys do it all the time : P

18 Apr 2012

Stair Climbing

Didn't know how many stories my humble apartment block had until hubs and I climbed to the top floor the day before. 14. As I was wearing my running shoes, John, our son had suggested that I run up the stairs instead. He said I'd be burning more calories that way as opposed to running. Hubs wanted to go assess his 'competitors' concrete gardens (aiyah, he wins handsdown lah) and so he joined me. After climbing all the way up, I thought it'd be easier coming down but my legs were wobbly (also possibly due to the fact that I'm terrified of heights) so I actually had to descend slowly and carefully. Didn't want to tumble down ungracefully. My ankle hasn't even completely healed yet from the time I sprained it in Bangkok in Dec last year.

Took us 15 minutes to climb up and down. It sure was a good workout. My heart was pumping and I was dripping with perspiration. I figured I'd exercise for 30 minutes each time so we had another 15 minutes to go. Decided to go for a run.

Ya ya papaya, he. Hubs can still run with his fatty tummy. In fact, he doesn't look overweight from the back at all. Used to be an infantryman. Such a show off. He was jogging and singing those army songs as he ran. I couldn't of course. I was just trying my best to run from each streep lamp to the other. Jussst.....ooone.....moorre.....jussst.....oone....mooooore..... Ha ha. He pushed me on and I did my longest stretch of running this turn of the century. I felt slightly light headed at the end of it but really not too bad. The best thing? Weighed myself the next day and I hadn't put on any. It went down slightly. I know, I know. I'm obsessed with the weighing scale. I shouldn't be. But the reason I'm exercising is to lose weight what, right?
I'm just trying to observe if exercising is doing anything to my otherwise dead metabolism. It's working. The dieting isn't really dieting and even if I was really dieting, it doesn't work. So, yes. Exercise is the way to go for me. Sheesh. So sian.

We had to take a break last night because hubs suddenly felt feverish and I, well, I had to 'take care of my baby' (ok, not really, I was just lying beside him watching television lah) and my calves were aching from the previous night's stair climbing. Hubs is feeling better today and I hope we'll be able to fit in some exercise today.

16 Apr 2012

My Cartoon Lagoon customers

My life has been lit up by some of our Cartoon Lagoon customers. It's like the people who like our hand painted shoes, are such nice people. We've had many nice comments and feedback from them. Some months back, a customer surprised me when I delivered her daughter's shoes. She'd bought me a keychain with my name on it. That little gesture really touched me. Thanks, Indra!

Then there's Shirley F who contacted me recently. I think God must have sent her as an Angel in disguise to bring cheer into my life with her kind words. Thanks, Shirley.

I've had returning customers who wish I would still paint my shoes. Well, no promises but email me and if I can I will but on a case-to-case basis.

Thank you all for bringing cheer into my life.


13 Apr 2012

Insulin resistance & weight gain caused by PCOS

My family and friends want to say this to me. But some are probably too kind. They want to tell me that I've put on a lot of weight recently. They want to know why. Some probably think I'm fat and lazy or gone into depression or something. Or maybe, they think I'm greedy. Sorry, it's none of the above. I have a medical condition which many people are having too and no, it's not contagious. It's more to do with organ failure.

I've written about my being insulin resistant before but I'll write about it again, just in case there's anyone with PCOS looking for information. I'm not a medical doctor and I've always hated studying science in school. I may not be factual. I'm just telling my side of the story. (Disclaimer: Read and believe at your own risk. I'm not going to be responsibility  responsible for you or anything. Period)

I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. I'm not writing about PCOS today. I'm writing about being insulin resistant as a result of PCOS. I only knew I had PCOS a few years ago when I had an internal scan and blood tests done at the hospital. I have been married 21 years and I did conceive 2 children naturally. My first child took us 3 years of trying before we conceived. Back then, I had my period every month but never at a fixed interval. It didn't cause me great inconvenience and I didn't think much about it. There was little awareness of PCOS and I only knew that I had a retroverted womb when hubs and I went for our separate checks to see what was hindering our baby making plans. Apparently, nothing was wrong with either of us. Hubs' sperm count was healthy and all I had was a retroverted womb, which my gynae said should not be any cause for concern.

We had a break of  nearly 2 years after the birth of our daughter, before we tried for our second. We were successful almost immediately (surprise, surprise). So, did I have PCOS already back then? Your guess is as good as mine. By the time I discovered I had what was known as PCOS, our two kids were already in their teens.

After the birth of my second child, I didn't have any issues with my period until he was about 2, I noticed I started getting hot flushes and when that happened, my temperament was odd. I didn't fly into rage or anything but I felt weepy and somewhat 'insecure' or 'unstable'. The hot flushes stopped after a while and my periods got 'slack'. I could go months on end without one. When you start reading about PCOS, this would be one of the symptoms.

Then I started to not lose weight. I don't say I started to put on weight because that sounds like I started to gorge myself silly with food or not take care of myself. I didn't. I'm not a health fanatic but neither am I crazy about sweet foods or unhealthy bingeing. I consume a fair share of veg, meat and carbs. Well what happened was I stopped losing weight even when I ate lesser. I mean, in the past, I could not eat and the weight would have just fallen off. But I realised that it stopped doing just that. Instead, I put on a kg a year. My son is 15 this year. In the past 10 odd years, well, you do the math. The only time I lost some weight was when I did belly dancing classes thrice a week. When I stopped, it piled back on again. Then when I moved house slightly over a year ago, I lost some again. It also piled back on again. I am back at pregnancy weight but this time, I'm not an expectant mother, excitedly waiting the birth of her newborn. I am waiting for this weight to go away. Looking back, the only times I managed to lose any weight was when I exercised vigorously. Just watching my diet alone didn't work for me.

So anyway, here I am. About 15 kgs overweight. We're no longer keen to have another child (so even if I don't ovulate, it doesn't really bother me) and for this aspect to remain status quo (the none child bearing I mean), we're praying that God gifts a child to someone who's wants one instead. I'm currently not on any medication and I go to the hospital every 6 months for a check. I just went for my recent one and again, the doc reminded me that I should try to lose some weight. THEN she says (sighing) that I have PCOS which is hindering my weight loss efforts. Yep. Chicken and egg situation. I have that so I can't lose weight. But I need to lose weight because I have that. What the heck.

I can't lose weight because PCOS renders my hormone, INSULIN non-effective in the distribution and retention of blood sugar in my cells / organs (which is necessary -- if you're normal, that's what insulin does for your body). So what happens is my blood sugar is instead converted to unhealthy fats in my body or passed out. So, in fact, I may have a lot more insulin than you but my insulin is not working very well. Then when I try to lose weight, the fact that my blood sugar is not being distributed to the correct organs / parts of my body, my body will start craving for the sugar fix. Ah yes. That explains the sudden urges for chocolate or donuts (even when I usually do not like them). Sigh.

In simple English. You need insulin to work effectively otherwise your blood sugar goes everywhere but where its needed. Then you will have sudden spikes of high blood sugar when you take foods which cause it to spike and you'll have occasions where you have sudden drop of blood sugar and you may feel faint. There is chaos in your house of insulin. Sigh.

I also went for my glucose tolerance test and I am pre-diabetic. Not YET but bordering on Type 2 diabetes. They had me fast the night before and in early morning, I had my blood taken before I was given a horrible sugar concoction. After 2 hours (which is to say, a normal person would have distributed that horrible sugar concoction effectively to the correct parts of your body), my blood was taken again. The results came back and I was called to return to the hospital ASAP. They said I was diabetic and had to go to the polyclinic for follow up. The doc read my blood test results and said I wasn't diabetic yet. I was bordering on it. So I had to go for counselling. I am allowed only 1 durian seed the next time we eat durians. That's how bad it is.

So what now? I've decided enough is enough. I'm not going to sit around moaning and groaning that my weight isn't budging the way I'd like it too. As I'd written in my last post, I've gotten off my butt and started exercising. We have a gym membership but I hate working out in an air-conditioned gym. I much prefer the fresh air. Pity that I don't have the opportunity to walk / jog when the sun is out (except maybe on weekends) but I'd rather be doing that.

In recent years, I've suffered aches and pains in my joints and I think my tennis elbows (both left and right) have really got me thinking. I think it helps that I've a walking / jogging trail just opposite where we live and I can pop right across the road and work out a sweat at any time of the night (which is when I am free). I usually only manage 1.2km but yesterday, I managed 1.6km. I could have gone on but for the fact that my running shoes (which I had kept in hibernation for some months) broke. One half of a sole fell out. This was last night. Some hours earlier, during lunch break, I had gone with Mike to take a look at running shoes. Then I had decided not to buy a new pair until my old pair got broke. Didn't expect it to happen THAT soon! We just went again just now to get me a new pair.

You, who are reading this and are already a runner, may be thinking, what the heck? What's the big deal about her running such a short distance? Well, hey, this is me, an overweight 40 + yr old, with aching joints, two damaged elbows and a big hatred for school scheduled 2.4km runs, trying to do her darnest to get fit. So, it is a big deal for me and for anyone who's in my shoes and knows how I'm feeling.

Anyway, I used to hate running. I don't think I'll ever like it. I used to feel so light headed from lack of oxygen and would feel faint. I just HATED running. But I've always harboured a secret dream to be a runner. In my dream (ever since I was 13), I imagined myself as a svelte and fit runner, ponytail swinging left to right, feet pounding the pavements ever so lightly. Well, I am pounding the pavements but very heavily like a hippo. But who cares? At least I'm doing something about it right? I'm going to extend my running distances bit by bit so that I'll be running more than brisk walking. I did push myself a bit last night and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't go out of breath.

By the way, I weighed myself before my jog last night (after dinner) and after (of course, all beginners are paranoid about weighing themselves, right?) and then I weighed myself this morning before breakfast. I've GAINED weight!!! Aiyoh!!! Should I be sad or glad? I didn't eat anything between the first weigh in and this morning's. Therefore, my fats must be converting to muscle, right? Ha ha. Self consolation. I must be right, lah. What else could be happening? Water retention? Possibly. I drank alot after the run. In fact, I usually drink a lot of water in a day. Aiyah, I don't know lah. I don't care if my weight doesn't go down. I want to be slimmer. I'll know from the way my denim shorts fit. I also don't wish to be a skinny-fat person (a person who looks slim but had has a lot of body fat).

I'm going to fight this insulin resistance problem by first acknowledging that it exists, then I'm going to find ways to battle it. I'm going to exercise and I'm going to try to eat foods which will help my insulin do the work better. I'm praying for God to help me to help myself. Will keep writing about my journey. Meanwhile, got invited to a buffet tonight. Sigh. Will go running thereafter, even if it rains.

12 Apr 2012

Getting off my butt - A new start

Finally got off my butt and started brisk walking / jogging (extremely slowly and heavily!) at a track just across the road from our home. I may have mentioned it before. There's a small park across from where we live and they've got a trail marked out for runners. I'm only managing 1.2km before my feet automatically head home. I guess I could do 2.4km but I refuse to push myself. I walk, I jog. I jog, I walk. I flail my arms here and there, exercising and stretching them as my feet move along. If I look weird, I don't really care cos everyone else there is minding their own business exercising too. There are a lot of arm flailing aunties like me at the park. Who cares?

The good thing I've noticed is I'm not gasping for air. My head doesn't feel heady with lack of oxygen during the jog and I'm not feeling any pain in the mornings after. Maybe no pain no gain but I'd rather not have any pain. Would rather be able to do this in the long run. Keeping my fingers crossed.

9 Apr 2012

The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! (and PCOS miracle update)

A Happy and Blessed Easter to my brothers and sisters in Christ! I am jumping up and down with joy! I have a small testimony and I feel the need to share it with anyone who cares to read it.

The Lord worked a small miracle on me a few days ago on Holy Thursday. As you may know, I have been struggling with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) since I was diagnosed a few years ago. Every 6 months, I need to visit KKH for a medical review or internal scan of my womb. I don't want to go into details but suffice to say, as a Catholic, I had struggled with the docs putting me on family planning pills to regulate my menstrual cycle. I had prayed, believed that I had been healed and told my doc I was going off the pill. All went well for more than a year. My cycle got regulated naturally (Praise the Lord).

I was expecting it in early or mid February this year and I think because I was under some stress during that period, I missed it. In March, nothing. Nadah. I kept postponing my medical appointment at the hospital because I suspected the doc would have me put back on the pill.

I couldn't postpone it any longer and last Thursday afternoon, as I was driving to the hospital, I just had a really heart to heart talk with God. I literally was speaking in disjointed sentences and my English wasn't perfect. I just talked to Him I would a friend. I asked Him to heal me completely because I believed He could do it. I asked Him why not? It was not impossible for Him to perform a miracle on me. I asked Him to give me my period before I saw the doc at the hospital because I didn't want to take the family planning pills.

So I reached the hospital, waited one and half hours past my appointment time (really, KKH???!!!) and finally saw the doc. I met a really kindly doc and after checking and asking a few questions, she asked me to go take a pregnancy test. I told her I had already taken one 2 days prior (because I knew the hospital would ask if I was pregnant or not) and it had been negative but she insisted that I had to take one at the hospital for their own record. If it turned out negative, she'd put me on a short cycle of the pill.

So I went out of her room and went to another department with her paperwork. Entered the loo with the issued container and guess what??? Ha ha ha ha ha.... I was joyous. I wanted to scream. My jaw literally dropped. Our Lord is great! I got my period! He heard my prayers and really sent it my way AT THE HOSPITAL. How fantastic is that??? Really! How beautiful is that?

In many ways, it was a wonderfully meaningful Easter for me. I love you, Lord. Thank you and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

(After Mass on Thursday, we skipped church visiting because my daughter had not been feeling well during Mass. Instead, I had a good nasal cleaning because Mike had put on The Passion of The Christ and I had sobbed my eyes out).

4 Apr 2012

Sunlight makes me feel good

I used to be a suntan junkie. The junior college I attended was by the sea. Needless to say, I kept my swimming costume in my locker for days we didn't have lectures in the p.m. My girlie pals and me. Such fun!

Weekends, I'd actually take a bus back to the beach near school to suntan with my kaki. Mike and I would also spend some weekends snorkelling in the waters south of Singapore. You could say I was pretty tan and I loved it (I was also very much thinner).

Then it happened. I grew up. I grew older and I decided (like the millions of other crazy, vain people on earth) that I looked awful tanned and needed to look fairer. So for the past 20 odd years, I've tried my best to stay out of the sun. I've never been the naturally fair sort but I think I've definitely grown fairer. I thought I was doing myself a favour because of the threat of skin cancer related to sun exposure (and I HATE the feeling of sunscreen on any part of my body) and I probably am but lately, I feel that I'm not getting enough sun exposure and it's really not normal.

I realised that standing in the sun made me feel really good. I know that sunlight is said to release endorphins in us and that gives you a feel-good sensation. I've been craving for the sun. When I went to Bangkok and had to walk in the scorching sun at Chatuchak, I actually felt so good thereafter. Fortunately, I have a window in my office where the sun flows through and when I feel the need, I just go stand there and sun myself for a few seconds. Crazy right? But really, having to spend the better part of my life in an air-conditioned office, doesn't give me much chance to be in the sun. I'm thinking of how I can get a bit more sun exposure. Have been having the urge to go cycling in the sun on weekends but hubs thinks I'm quite nuts. One thing's for sure. I'm done with trying to stay out of the sun. Bring on the endorphins! (and I don't care that Teochew girls are supposed to be fair).

3 Apr 2012

Last week of Lent

Pentential Service at our church was packed last night. As we walked from our parked car to the main church hall, hubs gave specific instructions that we should sit as far front as possible, do confession and head out of there. He forgot something though. Our church carpark is a one way street during peak periods. As we sat in church, I suddenly remembered this and pointed it out to him, I could see he wanted to smack his own forehead. He should have parked outside the church compound. Oh well, we stayed till everyone had finished. It was good to just sit and spend time with God (or stare at people spending time with God). I really couldn't sit still for so long but when I saw a priest shifting himself around on his chair (like his back was in pain), I felt humbled and compelled to pray for the priests instead, that they'd be able to withstand the many, many, many stories of sins the people had for them. Felt sorry for them and that make me appreciate the fact that I was sitting in my pew, doing nothing.

Although I could make out fellow parishioners, I thought many of them were not from our parish. If I was not comfortable confessing my sins to my parish priest, I'd prefer to go to another parish to do it too. Or maybe they just couldn't make it for Penitential Service at their own parish. Whatever the reason, they came to clean their slate and start over a new leaf. That's all that matters.

There are two weeks in my year which I spend many days in church. The last week of Lent and during our Feast Day Novena. I'm ashamed to say that instead of waking up early to attend daily mass before work, I'd rather be sleeping one extra hour. As for daily evening mass; I can't knock off work on time, beat the traffic and be there on time for it. BUT, I wish I could. So I'm going to attempt to sleep earlier at night. Really difficult, considering I get to crawl into bed at midnight only most work nights. Well, something's gotta give if I wish to receive communion every day. The desire is there. I just need to work at the effort.

Speaking of work nights, I haven't been cooking the past week since my Tennis Elbow became excruciatingly painful. In fact, I haven't been able to do any housework. I couldn't even refill the hot pot without feelling the pain sear from my hand to my elbow as I poured water in. Hubs has been helping to buy food. He doesn't want me to stress my elbow. It's actually so much more relaxing to just come home and eat but I think we're running out of dishes to buy for the kids. I'm able to boil veg and heat up food in the microwave and just started refilling the hot pot again last night. I've got a long way more to go but I think my elbow's getting better.

Actually, apart from my elbow, something strange has been happening. My feet have been itching! No rash. Just simply itching. Wondering if it's an allergic reaction to the brown hair dye I had used last weekend. But I've used that particular brand before what (only this time, it's darker than what I've always used)! Or could it be the Chinese sinseh's pills? (Which I've stopped taking). Itchy feet. No joke. Can't see any bites. Can't see any rash. Just a persistent itch and I've to keep using my toe nails to scratch. Yikes!

Also, I've been feeling nauseous. Double yikes!