9 Apr 2012

The Lord is Risen! Alleluia! (and PCOS miracle update)

A Happy and Blessed Easter to my brothers and sisters in Christ! I am jumping up and down with joy! I have a small testimony and I feel the need to share it with anyone who cares to read it.

The Lord worked a small miracle on me a few days ago on Holy Thursday. As you may know, I have been struggling with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) since I was diagnosed a few years ago. Every 6 months, I need to visit KKH for a medical review or internal scan of my womb. I don't want to go into details but suffice to say, as a Catholic, I had struggled with the docs putting me on family planning pills to regulate my menstrual cycle. I had prayed, believed that I had been healed and told my doc I was going off the pill. All went well for more than a year. My cycle got regulated naturally (Praise the Lord).

I was expecting it in early or mid February this year and I think because I was under some stress during that period, I missed it. In March, nothing. Nadah. I kept postponing my medical appointment at the hospital because I suspected the doc would have me put back on the pill.

I couldn't postpone it any longer and last Thursday afternoon, as I was driving to the hospital, I just had a really heart to heart talk with God. I literally was speaking in disjointed sentences and my English wasn't perfect. I just talked to Him I would a friend. I asked Him to heal me completely because I believed He could do it. I asked Him why not? It was not impossible for Him to perform a miracle on me. I asked Him to give me my period before I saw the doc at the hospital because I didn't want to take the family planning pills.

So I reached the hospital, waited one and half hours past my appointment time (really, KKH???!!!) and finally saw the doc. I met a really kindly doc and after checking and asking a few questions, she asked me to go take a pregnancy test. I told her I had already taken one 2 days prior (because I knew the hospital would ask if I was pregnant or not) and it had been negative but she insisted that I had to take one at the hospital for their own record. If it turned out negative, she'd put me on a short cycle of the pill.

So I went out of her room and went to another department with her paperwork. Entered the loo with the issued container and guess what??? Ha ha ha ha ha.... I was joyous. I wanted to scream. My jaw literally dropped. Our Lord is great! I got my period! He heard my prayers and really sent it my way AT THE HOSPITAL. How fantastic is that??? Really! How beautiful is that?

In many ways, it was a wonderfully meaningful Easter for me. I love you, Lord. Thank you and Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!

(After Mass on Thursday, we skipped church visiting because my daughter had not been feeling well during Mass. Instead, I had a good nasal cleaning because Mike had put on The Passion of The Christ and I had sobbed my eyes out).

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