30 Nov 2015

Post Appendectomy and End Nov Weight Loss Update

I thought I'd do a quick update now that it is the end of November 2015.

End Nov 2015
Post Appendectomy (no exercise permitted)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Total weight loss since mid July 2015
7 to 8 KG (15.4 to 17.6 lbs)
(Depending on where the wind blows!)

I am coming to the end of my 3 week medical leave from work and just had my first post surgery check up. The doctor wanted to extend my medical leave but I declined. I was thinking of the loose ends I need to tie up before I leave my workplace for good. 

The external wounds look to be healing well. The doctor removed the 2 layers of adhesive tape (one being a water proof adhesive tape and the other being the surgical tape) from the 3 wounds. The 4th wound cannot be seen because the surgery was done laparoscopically. I felt really uneasy about it and so when I got home, I stuck on 2 waterproof plasters again. One over the naval and the other to the left of it. As for the one sitting right on top of my old C-section scar, I can't see where it it because my belly is hanging over that area! So anyway, I left it alone. My underwear does rub into the wound areas but what I am to do since I can't go about being underwearless!

For the pain, the irony is 2 days prior to my check up, I started to feel a dull ache right where my appendix had been. The pain stretched to my right thigh. The doctor warned me that even though I was healing well externally, that I should know from the pain, how far I could stretch myself in terms of movement and stress. He reminded me that the healing would take time. I asked when I could start exercising and sadly, he said I would require about a 6 week interval AND definitely no jumping. He suggested walking first. Oh well. That really, really ruins all my exercise plans. Anyway, I am to watch out for intense pain and fever to rule out any complications.

This is a life lesson. I had it all planned out nicely. I was going to up my exercise and diet game plan and really lose some weight before Christmas came around. One can plan all one wishes. Apparently, my plans were not to be.

I wonder if God intended for me to just rest. I haven't given much thought about my next job at all. I have just been trying to heal well and fast. I sleep a lot and I mean a lot. I find that my body heals best with a lot of rest. I have not received a clear direction from God about my next path but I am not stressing myself out.

I have been eating well and in fact, I hit another magic number early this week but because I have been eating so well and not exercising at all, that magic number has been elusive and I have not seen it again even though it is still a good reading. I can't aim for inch loss anymore with this surgery. I can only aim for weight loss. I can totally feel the flab coming back on the waist, hips and thighs. Even the arms!!! But I am not too sad. I will say drats to that but hey, as I said, one can only plan but life has other plans so I am just taking it all in my stride.

My appetite has been good and I try to snack on carrot sticks but I am back to eating rice. Not as much as before but I realised that eating the rice keeps me full and seems to help me keep my metabolic rate going. I guess I am not too concerned with my increased intake of carbohydrates because my weight loss is still at 7 or 8 kgs (if you count that latest magic number). Not too shabby if I may say so. I go back to work for a few days this week. We'll see how the diet goes or if it goes out the window!

Meanwhile, I had a few good friends pop by and I really appreciate their love. One really does not need many friends. One just needs a few good ones.

I've had to re-learn to do so many actions so that I am not feeling pain. I can't carry anything that is not light! Anything slightly weighty and I don't mean heavy, I can feel the strain and the pain. I feel tired after a while. I have tried walking to the grocery shop and cannot really carry anything in my hand so I need a trolley basket or if it's light, I need to put it in my backpack. I can't lift a whole basket onto the cashier's table so I've had to take out items one by one. I had to explain my slowmo actions to the cashiers. For a person who is used to walking home with 5 or 6 plastic bags of groceries, I do feel helpless now. I'm pushing my trolley basket to and fro at snail's pace too.

Hubs has helped me buy some groceries but he is the type who won't spend more than 10 minutes at the supermarket so I can't really make him buy everything I need. Besides, I find happiness walking the aisles of a supermarket, looking out for good bargains or buying what I may not really need but think I do!

I am cooking but I can't lift heavy pots and if I need to empty a pot, I need to scoop the liquid out bit by bit. It is torturous!

Oh well, when I tire myself out, I pop back into bed and rest. Sometimes I play catch up with my Korean dramas. Other times, I just snooze. I let my body decide where it wants to go!

Some people who have had their appendix taken out before will probably try to downplay the pain I am experiencing. I don't care to compare. Everyone is different. I've been cut open twice for my kids' births. It was no child's play. Maybe my insides are battered and will take longer to heal. Meanwhile, I will pace myself and not according to what others think!

Here's to a good week ahead, peeps!

18 Nov 2015

1 week after Appendectomy (surgery to remove appendix)

(Warning: Battered belly button picture below. Stop reading if you're squirmish).

It's been 1 week since I underwent surgery to have my appendix removed.

Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Although the hospital issued me with 4 levels of pain killers, I have been restricting myself to take only the lowest level and only when the pain seems to be nagging. I am not trying to be a hero but just would like to know how I am truly healing. When I got up from a reclining position this morning, I could feel that it was less painful to do so.

It is a far cry from a week ago when I had to grab the edge of my mattress to drag myself up. Even then, the pain in my abdomen was excruciating. My appendectomy was conducted via laparoscopy. This is also referred to as 'keyhole' surgery by many. It was explained to me that that would be the preferred route but if they weren't able to access my insides for any reason (for example because of the scar tissues caused by my previous two C-section deliveries), they would then proceed with open surgery near the appendix (bottom right of your abdomen).

I thank God that the laparoscopic surgery had been a success. There were 3 incisions. One via the belly button, one to the left of the belly button and one below the belly button (which they had cut just next to my C-section scar).

It's funny that I had taken to blogging about my waistloss the past few months, which in turn had led me to take unglamourous and unabashed selfies of my navel / belly button! Woe is my belly button. It is now battered and bruised! It looks nothing like my original! *weeps*

 My belly button before the appendectomy
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Laparoscopic Appendectomy 
(belly button post-surgery)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

I purposely left the brown looking mole so you know it's the same belly button. Haha. The inane things I get up to when I have time to do nothing!

Life has been good. It's the first time in 16 years since I started working at my current job that I have taken a leave of absence for such a long time. I have not had so much nothingness and emptiness in my head for a very, very long time! I mean that in a good way. Empty! My brain (brain fog is taking place, yes. Probably due to the fact that I have gone under GA thrice in my life already!) is not worrying about work, not much about anything else. I rest and I rest and I rest. 

The amazing thing is I am awake really early and I make hobble slowly to the kitchen to try to make separate breakfasts for my men. I'll make something for myself and then when they have left, I'll walk very slowly down the stairs to walk the dog. Then I go back into the kitchen, maybe put something in the crockpot or maybe boil some porridge.

After that, I go back to lie down. The thing is, I do feel tired after a while. It is weird. I didn't realise it until I read about the experiences of patients who have undergone appendectomies! Also, despite the fact that people think keyhole surgeries are just making a few tiny holes, it would surprise you to know that it is still a surgery. For me, my navel hurts the most and then second would be the incision on the left. The one below is irritatingly just there AND there is also the appendix wound itself which hurts but cannot be seen. So, there are 4 areas which hurt in the recovery process.

The first time I made it to the toilet in the hospital room, I found that I couldn't lift my right leg without feeling the pain around the appendix area. It was strained and it still is but it is better now. I have learnt that to change my underwear, I have to slip it on the 'bad' leg first. It is much easier to struggle with the good leg thereafter.

For a person who had been exercising nearly every day for the past few months, it worries me that I will lose momentum and will have to rebuild my stamina all over again. Let's not even start about re-gaining all the lost weight. I could dwell on the fact that the appendectomy is a real stumbling block in my weightloss journey but I am trying to look at it another way; God is great!!! He prepared me so that I was a few kilos lighter at the time of surgery! I wa asked so many times if I was on any long term meds and I could proudly say I wasn't! Did I mention Iw as asked my weight and height several times before and after surgery and I also mamaged to keep my head held high as I read out my numbers! I also thank God for the strong arms I have developed! All those nights of push ups have helped me pull and prop myself up when I could not rely on my stomach muscles to get up!

So there. The cup is half full for me.

I've already hit my first mini goal. I'll just watch my diet and bring it down to the next mini goal. I should be much 'lighter' by the time I am well enough to rebound again (yes, of course I will be reboubding again!).

Till then, I'll try to keep myself chirpy!

17 Nov 2015

Appendectomy (Surgery to remove appendix)

It's been a week since I last blogged. Have been missing in action and I am trying to put words to my thoughts but can't seem to finish penning the events of 10th November.

I woke up on the morning of Deepavali to excruciating back ache and abdominal pain. While I will not go into detail about what unfolded thereafter, I will say I had an emergency operation to remove my appendix.

I will find time to write about my experience but meanwhile, I have been discharged from the hospital and am trying to rest and recover. The doctor ordered 3 weeks of medical leave and I ain't complaining. So far, after a week, my abdomen is still very bloated (think 5 months pregnant) and painful to the touch. Basically, I liken it to pain after my C-section deliveries.

Because I have been blogging about my exercise regime and weight loss, I would like to say that although I was solely on liquids at the hospital for 2 days, I had puffed up and put on 2 to 3 kgs by the time I got discharged! It was demoralising to say the least. I have not been back on my rebounder /mini trampoline since the night of 9th November 2015.

By the way, hubby tried to pin my appendicitis on my jumping on the trampoline but the doc said in not so many words that she wouldn't give it such credit. Basically, no. It had nothing to do with the jumping.

It was only about 4 days after the surgery that I was able to move my bowels again (probably cos I had not eaten any solids) and then the weight started to fall off again.

I am back to having a good appetite but am drinking soups boiled in my crock pot and eating porridge with yummy condiments. Because I am at home, I am able to eat small portions whenever I am hungry.

Me being me, I have still been stepping on my scale and whaddya know? I FINALLY hit another 'magic number' this week. In fact, I hit it twice. I am at an all time low, having

7 KILOS now (15.4 lbs)
since mid July 2015 (4 months).

Am I happy? Yes, except I may be weighing less but am sporting a pregnant look! Hopefully the distended tummy will deflate soon.

I am typing on my tablet and lying down and it hurts so I'm gonna stop here but will check in every once in a while. Meanwhile, I thank God that I came out of that episode alive and will live to tell my tale!

9 Nov 2015

Had a great weekend!

I could barely drag myself up this morning Had makan (food) sessions 3 nights in a row! Started on Friday evening with my Junior College buddies, then Saturday evening with my Secondary School buddies and then last night with the family! Not that I planned it that way it just so happened that way.

Photo credit to family member
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Didn't exercise since Thursday! That's 3 nights off so was pleasantly surprised that I hadn't put on as much weight as I had expected over the weekend!

Here I am after a whole weekend munching on noodles of all sorts!

9 November 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I looked exceptionally bloated (my face) in my Saturday night photos with my friends because earlier in the day, I had had quite a lot of fried noodles for lunch! I'd stuffed myself with several plates of Mee Goreng! Oh well. So be it. I'm not going to worry myself sick as long as I am still on track with losing some weight. I've still not hit a magic number but I've already shifted 'downwards'. Let me try to explain. That is like saying, you lose some weight and you're now 60 kgs but you eat a lot over a few days and you go up to 63 kgs. Over the course of one or two weeks (it takes me two weeks at least), you may have lost another 1 or 2 kgs, so you're now let's say 58 kgs. When you eat alot (again!) over a few days, your weight increases but now, it only increases to 61 kgs. So you sort of know that if you carry on with your exercise regime AND you are still eating fairly well (with the occasional binge eating or treat), you have now, shifted downwards. In order to shift upwards again, you might have stopped exercising and started eating really much, much more. So yeah. I've not hit another magic number but I've shifted downwards. In a nutshell, your binge eating weigh in has gone down! For me, it's a small motivation to stay on track.
Have a good week ahead, peeps!

Philips Air Fryer - Frozen Pizza

It's relatively simple to make you own pizza dough from scratch but sometimes, when you're in a hurry and the kids are hungry, it's even easier to just pop a frozen pizza into the oven. Yesterday, my son and I decided to try it in our Philips Air Fryer instead.

Our Air Fryer is the XL size from the Avance Collection and even though I'm able to squeeze a whole chicken into it, I wasn't able to fit the whole frozen pizza. That's about the only messy part; trying to cut a frozen pizza into pieces and trying not to spill the precious frozen cheese or salami every where!

Store bought frozen pizza, straight out of the freezer
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
First, son and I decided to try the setting at 200 degrees Celsius for 6 minutes.
200 Deg Celsius (6 mins)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
To me, I felt the charred bits meant it was burnt or over cooked but son said it was cheesy and the crust was just fine. I decided to try 180 degrees Celsius for 5 minutes instead.
180 Deg Celsius (6 mins)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
When I took it out, I looked underside and thought the crust wasn't as nice as when it was at 200 deg but that it looked better from the top because it wasn't looking charred. Son said he preferred the ones done at 200 degrees. I guess it's you're preference. I'll probably experiment with 180 deg at 7 mins and also 200 deg at 4 mins just because I'm curious.

Quick and easy pizza option with the Philips Air Fryer
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I usually cook our pizzas in the oven. Not that the Air Fryer isn't hot to the touch but I think it's safer for the younger ones to handle the Air Fryer. I believe I have to go stock up our fridge with frozen pizza now, seeing as my son and I have realised it's such an easy method of cooking our pizza! 

6 Nov 2015

End of 1st week of Nov 2015 (and pic from the past)

I did a mental calculation and was surprised that it'll be nearly 4 months since I decided to seriously make some changes to my life. If you've just joined me at this blog and you're looking at my pics and wondering if I don't look that grossly overweight, why I am trying to lose some weight, well, this is how I looked like just about 2 years ago. The pic is self-explanatory.

Before weight loss
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Back then, I was happy and comfortable in my own skin. I loved to eat (I still do, lah) and I didn't like to exercise. I didn't think my self-worth needed to be validated with a thin self. I still don't think it should be but I made changes because I decided I didn't want to look overweight any more. Primarily, it was to start exercising and bring my blood pressure down. Then I started exercising and making some changes to my eating habits and now I am loving it (especially the exercise bit).

I take my birthday in mid-July 2015 as my starting point in this weight loss journey. I am happy with the results of the hard work thus far.

Here I am today and I mean today, today, this very day!

Selfie from top angle - 6 Nov 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

And I also snapped it from a low angle:

View from camera placed low
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

You might recall I took a pic with hubs somewhere in June and my cheeks looked very hamster like. I mentioned that instead of any Botox assistance, I was gonna try to reduce it naturally. Progress has been painstakingly slow. Every night I am huffing and puffing and it's not because of an amorous entanglement but rather because I'm working my *ss off on the rebounder and stepper. The bloat comes and goes as though it has a mind of its own and a very difficult mind to boot!

The weight reading is like a darn yo-yo. Literally. I am actually 1 to 2 kgs heavier than late October. But I think it is because I had upped my caloric intake and also because I have been doing push-ups like mad. Oh yes! I need to mention this. I think my body is accustomed to the stress of the exercise. I am not sweating after 10 minutes any more. It takes me 20 minutes! I am not panting when I climb up flights of stairs (yay!). These are little signs which tell me that I need to push my body further and that's why I've been pushing myself with the push-ups. I must tell you, I have noticed my boobs getting firmer!

My pants are still falling AND I am super duper happy that I am now wearing a size S from my favourite shopping centre brand of clothes. Depending on the brand and cutting, I am probably still a size XXL (some crazy brands with teeny weeny sizes) or XL. But, ahem, I might have mentioned this before, I have actually bought myself a pair of  H&M skinny jeans! That says a lot to me. Don't really care what others think. I'm laughing as I type this. Skinny jeans are probably not in fashion already by the time this aunty is able to wear them!

Last night, as I was huffing and puffing on the stepper, hubs entered the room, stopped beside me and teased me. "Why do you torture yourself?" Then sniggled to himself as he plonked himself on the bed.

I retorted, "I WILL lose weight! I WILL do this!!!"

Okay, believe it or not, that was just our way of friendly bantering. Frankly, after 25 years of marriage, I know what I want to do for myself and don't need his (uh-uh, not even my best friend's or soul mate's) validation or support. As HE always tells me, just NIKE it! (Just do it!). So I am. If you want to remain overweight, then that's YOUR prerogative. But it's also within your means to make a change in your own life! Just NIKE it, peeps! Have a great weekend!

4 Nov 2015

Early Nov / Late Oct pic weight comparison

Let's not pussyfoot and just jump into it, shall we? You're probably just here to see the pics anyway!Here's the pic comparison. Looks like I have put on weight on the face, huh?

Pic comparison - Early Nov and Late Oct 2015
(not wearing any foundation by the way)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
You know, taking so many selfies, I've just realised that my face is so so not symmetrical. My right cheek is bigger and my neck is slanting more to the right (probably because I had developed a habit of sleeping on my right side since I was pregnant all those moons ago). Darn! I have become conscious of my left lip dropping downwards more than my right when I smile (yah, just look at the picture and you can tell). Oh well, at least you know I haven't photoshopped the way I look. I had simply cropped and put the two pics into a collage. If the pics looks so misty looking, it's because I have a bad front phone camera!
I am slightly heavier now than in late October and it shows on the face. I am still feeling bloated. This morning's weigh in wasn't too bad. Not far from the last magic number but I am still puzzled and disappointed because I had aimed to hit another magic number this week. I'm still exercising but I think I've upped my food intake considerably (not necessarily unhealthily) because I am not smelling the ketone breath so much. I won't elaborate on that but suffice to say, when you reduce your intake of carbs enough, you might start smelling a weird fruity breath. It's not entirely bad breath but google it and you might be able to get a better description of it. Initially, I didn't know about ketone breath and just felt it was such a weird smell.
When I was smelling the ketone breath, I was also feeling a bit weird. Every now and then, I'd feel like I was on a small sampan (wooden boat) and a wave would toss me very, very gently. I did not feel faint or get motion sickness. I just knew it wasn't usual. Together with the weight plateau, I decided I'd up my food intake but carry on with my exercise. Don't wish to fall sick in the pursuit of good health. That would be a joke.
Yes, I've lost sight on inch loss. I seem only concerned about the scale readings. Darn right you are. Although I look puffier, I have not put on any in terms of inches so the inch loss is still good. Phew. Overall, I think I'm not losing all that much weight because I'm not starving myself at all. I am still eating well.
Look at my sample week night meal:
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Does that look like a diet meal to you? There's soup, veg, roast chicken and bread! Okay, so the bread and mushroom soup are for hubs. He'll also eat the chicken and I'll also add some to my soup. I'm definitely not eating too little for dinner. The reason I eat heartily for dinner is when I did eat very cautious dinner meals, I'd feel famished after exercising and crave for a snack (no, not a cucumber or celery stick snack). I know I should be eating AFTER I exercise and though that would be preferably, this is real life; for now, my schedule doesn't permit it.
Early Nov soup dinner
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Dinner last night was a watered down minestrone soup in which I had added some pasta. I had pre-cooked a pot of relatively thick minestrone soup last Sunday so I just scooped up some of the sauce and contents, thinned it with water and added in some pasta. To be honest, it was too much for me. I was full halfway through the meal. Anyway, I had a good work out on the rebounder and stepper thereafter and like I said, woke up to a relative decent reading.
Losing weight can be so complicated with the many schools of thought thrown as us. Of course, we all want to look at pictures of people who have lost weight on the internet and learn from them because it seems more tried and tested. I am taking a really long time to shed the pounds, peeps. I won't give up on myself so don't give up on me just yet!



2 Nov 2015

Philips Air Fried Whole Chickens

Hubs and I went to Ang Moh supermarket on Friday evening because we needed to buy washing detergent. I had told him that if he was going to Ang Moh, I didn't mind walking with him but if he was going NTUC, I'd give it a pass (because my hair was in need of a good wash!). The reasoning is simple.The route to Ang Moh crosses a dark park and anyway, the people there are pyjama wearing Aunties and singlet dorning Uncles. Haha. There was a good deal on chicken. Ended up buying a packet of frozen drumsticks (about S$6 per packet) and 3 frozen chickens (3 for $10!).

Woke up early Saturday morning (7.30am is early to me for a weekend morning) to walk the dog, do the laundry, mop the floor, clean the kitchen and then stare at my thawed chickens. Decided that I'd use the Philips Air Fryer on all the chickens. Minimal oil equals a happy me because the kitchen floor stays clean.

While I was cleaning the raw chickens, hubs came home (to my surprise) and presented me with Lor Mee (a yummy braised noodle dish with pieces of meat and lard!) for breakfast:

Hubby's gift of love: Lor Mee Breakfast
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

To be honest, I felt torn between two 'lovers'. The love of my life had just presented me with a delicious bowl of Lor Mee, which I knew was filled with yummy but decadent fried pork lard pieces and there I was, thinking that I would LOVE to eat clean this weekend to really bring my weight down. Sigh. Hubs won me over, hands down. It was too touching that he had driven all the way back home from Bukit Merah to give me the Lor Mee. It didn't help that he had come into the kitchen to kiss me either, one hand holding me, the other hand holding the Lor Mee!

My knees went weak.
Lor Mee 1. Diet 0.

Slurped up the Lor Mee and told myself guiltily that I'd skip lunch since it was such a heavy breakfast. Notice how the guilt only sets in the minute you finish eating.

Seasoned the chicken drumsticks with turmeric and salt to serve 2 big bowls of this for lunch:

 Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Turmeric and Salt
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Once I served it with rice and Nando's Extra Hot Chilli, my knees went weak again. I'd just have one. Then two. So this is how it goes. It's a reality. So much easier to put on weight then to lose it!
Anyway, I still had my 3 chickens to cook. Decided to do meal prep for the rest of the week. Did a black pepper chicken in the Air Fryer:
 Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Black Pepper and Salt
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
  Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Soya Sauce and Black Pepper
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
When I had bought the 3 chickens, hubs had said they looked tiny. But looking at their size, I think they are comparable to the roasted chickens sold at NTUC. NTUC sells their roasted whole chickens for S$5.80 ea with different seasonings. I basically saved S$7.40 by buying 3 chickens for $10. Aiyah, of course the savings is negligible when you think of the electricity required to roast the chickens myself. But it's irked my interest to find more creative seasonings. I think I'll hop over to Ang Moh tonight to see if they have any birds left on sale and just buy and freeze them.
I'm not sponsored by Philips to say this but man, I love the Philips Air Fryer. I'm so scared I've overworked it and that it'll konk out on me soon. Philips Singapore, if you happen to chance upon this post, I'd welcome a new complimentary Philips Air Fryer with open arms! I advertise for you, free leh.
I mean, it's a really easy contraption to use. The good thing is, I can go about doing other stuff while it's cooking. I know you could do the same with an oven but I think this works well especially for older kids who would like to air fry some chicken nuggets or sausages themselves. I wouldn't want any kids near an oven but the Philips Air Fryer seems easy enough for the older kids to handle. The BEST part is, my chickens had cooked in their own fat. No oil required.
Just in case you're wondering what I did with the 3rd chicken, well, it ended up in a pot of curry which we had for lunch on Sunday! I'd also cooked a pot of my minestrone soup on Sunday evening but this time I excluded broad beans and added barley to it. Daughter loved it so much, she had two bowls of it as soon as it was done.
Although I had used raw tomatoes, I had also added a can of tomato paste and something happened the minute I lifted the can lid. As I flipped up the can lid, I felt a quick gust of air from the action of my lifting up the lid, blowing in the direction of my neck and I immediately felt a stinging sensation. Although I had not yet taken any soup, I developed a rash from that spot, down to my neck that night. This is not the first time this has happened and I am praying that it is not true. I love tomatoes too much. Please God, do not let me be allergic to tomatoes or worse still, to food from the nightshade family!!! Urgh!!!
The thing is, I had handled the raw tomatoes before that and had had no reaction. I wonder if it is something in the canned tomatoes.
Anyhoo, because we were out to buy something at dinner time, we ended up eating Fried Saba Fish and Korean style chicken quite late for dinner at the food court. A yummy and hearty meal. Hubs couldn't finish his rice and I ended up being his human vacuum cleaner again. After pushing the rice to me, he still had the cheek to say I was overeating! Major sabotaging going on here! LOL but yes, my weight did go up over the weekend. Suffice to say, I went home and worked my *ss off.
I just had to add this. Although I was well aware that I'd been eating quite a lot over the weekend, my tights were falling off my hips as I was walking around with the family on Sunday evening. It was awkward because I had to keep tugging at it to pull it up again. I told son and he said I should take it as good news. I agreed but I told him, the problem was, I had several pairs of tights in the same size!
Would be such a waste if I can't wear them anymore!
Here's to a wonderful week ahead, peeps!