2 Nov 2015

Philips Air Fried Whole Chickens

Hubs and I went to Ang Moh supermarket on Friday evening because we needed to buy washing detergent. I had told him that if he was going to Ang Moh, I didn't mind walking with him but if he was going NTUC, I'd give it a pass (because my hair was in need of a good wash!). The reasoning is simple.The route to Ang Moh crosses a dark park and anyway, the people there are pyjama wearing Aunties and singlet dorning Uncles. Haha. There was a good deal on chicken. Ended up buying a packet of frozen drumsticks (about S$6 per packet) and 3 frozen chickens (3 for $10!).

Woke up early Saturday morning (7.30am is early to me for a weekend morning) to walk the dog, do the laundry, mop the floor, clean the kitchen and then stare at my thawed chickens. Decided that I'd use the Philips Air Fryer on all the chickens. Minimal oil equals a happy me because the kitchen floor stays clean.

While I was cleaning the raw chickens, hubs came home (to my surprise) and presented me with Lor Mee (a yummy braised noodle dish with pieces of meat and lard!) for breakfast:

Hubby's gift of love: Lor Mee Breakfast
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

To be honest, I felt torn between two 'lovers'. The love of my life had just presented me with a delicious bowl of Lor Mee, which I knew was filled with yummy but decadent fried pork lard pieces and there I was, thinking that I would LOVE to eat clean this weekend to really bring my weight down. Sigh. Hubs won me over, hands down. It was too touching that he had driven all the way back home from Bukit Merah to give me the Lor Mee. It didn't help that he had come into the kitchen to kiss me either, one hand holding me, the other hand holding the Lor Mee!

My knees went weak.
Lor Mee 1. Diet 0.

Slurped up the Lor Mee and told myself guiltily that I'd skip lunch since it was such a heavy breakfast. Notice how the guilt only sets in the minute you finish eating.

Seasoned the chicken drumsticks with turmeric and salt to serve 2 big bowls of this for lunch:

 Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Turmeric and Salt
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Once I served it with rice and Nando's Extra Hot Chilli, my knees went weak again. I'd just have one. Then two. So this is how it goes. It's a reality. So much easier to put on weight then to lose it!
Anyway, I still had my 3 chickens to cook. Decided to do meal prep for the rest of the week. Did a black pepper chicken in the Air Fryer:
 Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Black Pepper and Salt
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
  Air Fried Chicken Seasoned with Soya Sauce and Black Pepper
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
When I had bought the 3 chickens, hubs had said they looked tiny. But looking at their size, I think they are comparable to the roasted chickens sold at NTUC. NTUC sells their roasted whole chickens for S$5.80 ea with different seasonings. I basically saved S$7.40 by buying 3 chickens for $10. Aiyah, of course the savings is negligible when you think of the electricity required to roast the chickens myself. But it's irked my interest to find more creative seasonings. I think I'll hop over to Ang Moh tonight to see if they have any birds left on sale and just buy and freeze them.
I'm not sponsored by Philips to say this but man, I love the Philips Air Fryer. I'm so scared I've overworked it and that it'll konk out on me soon. Philips Singapore, if you happen to chance upon this post, I'd welcome a new complimentary Philips Air Fryer with open arms! I advertise for you, free leh.
I mean, it's a really easy contraption to use. The good thing is, I can go about doing other stuff while it's cooking. I know you could do the same with an oven but I think this works well especially for older kids who would like to air fry some chicken nuggets or sausages themselves. I wouldn't want any kids near an oven but the Philips Air Fryer seems easy enough for the older kids to handle. The BEST part is, my chickens had cooked in their own fat. No oil required.
Just in case you're wondering what I did with the 3rd chicken, well, it ended up in a pot of curry which we had for lunch on Sunday! I'd also cooked a pot of my minestrone soup on Sunday evening but this time I excluded broad beans and added barley to it. Daughter loved it so much, she had two bowls of it as soon as it was done.
Although I had used raw tomatoes, I had also added a can of tomato paste and something happened the minute I lifted the can lid. As I flipped up the can lid, I felt a quick gust of air from the action of my lifting up the lid, blowing in the direction of my neck and I immediately felt a stinging sensation. Although I had not yet taken any soup, I developed a rash from that spot, down to my neck that night. This is not the first time this has happened and I am praying that it is not true. I love tomatoes too much. Please God, do not let me be allergic to tomatoes or worse still, to food from the nightshade family!!! Urgh!!!
The thing is, I had handled the raw tomatoes before that and had had no reaction. I wonder if it is something in the canned tomatoes.
Anyhoo, because we were out to buy something at dinner time, we ended up eating Fried Saba Fish and Korean style chicken quite late for dinner at the food court. A yummy and hearty meal. Hubs couldn't finish his rice and I ended up being his human vacuum cleaner again. After pushing the rice to me, he still had the cheek to say I was overeating! Major sabotaging going on here! LOL but yes, my weight did go up over the weekend. Suffice to say, I went home and worked my *ss off.
I just had to add this. Although I was well aware that I'd been eating quite a lot over the weekend, my tights were falling off my hips as I was walking around with the family on Sunday evening. It was awkward because I had to keep tugging at it to pull it up again. I told son and he said I should take it as good news. I agreed but I told him, the problem was, I had several pairs of tights in the same size!
Would be such a waste if I can't wear them anymore!
Here's to a wonderful week ahead, peeps!

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