20 Jan 2014

Jesus loves me

How often do we wonder if God even hears us?

On a clear, sunny, blue-skied day with little worries at hand, one may not even hear God, let alone on a day overcome with anxieties, blinded by fear; the fear caused by our inability to control issues or situations in our lives.

As I usually do, I had my heart-to-heart talk with Jesus while I was driving alone last Friday and had asked for His forgiveness that I had felt really rotten that day because of a certain situation. His words to me were simple and firm. I was reminded that I was clearly a servant and I was being paid by my master to do the work. I was instructed to do the work with gladness in my heart.

Bummer. It kinda hurt that He wasn't all soft and lovey-dovey. He had stated a fact I could not dispute! He had told me exactly what my husband has been drilling into my head for the longest time! But God our ever-loving Father also reminded me that 'the Master above sees'. At dinner, I related the conversation I had with God to my other half. He of course was over the moon that he had already been telling me that and perhaps if it came from God, I would finally listen! (I shall not get into the details of the long lecture I received from my blessed other half).

The next day, I attended a retreat and this was one of the passages mentioned (Luke 17: 7-10)
"Suppose one of you has a servant who is plowing or looking after the sheep. When he comes in from the field, do you tell him to hurry along and eat his meal? Of course not! Instead, you say to him, 'Get my supper ready, then put on your apron and wait on me while I eat and drink; after that you may have your meal.' The servant does not deserve thanks for obeying orders, does he? It is the same with you; when you have done all you have been told to do, say, 'We are ordinary servants; we have only done our duty."

The affirmation of His message to me is clear. Yes, I agree. I need to stop whining about the situation. I am paid to do the work. The execution of it by the earthly 'master' should not be of concern to me. I am only to do my duty as agreed by my acceptance of the dues paid to me. But more than that, I have walked away from Friday's and Saturday's messages with a joyful step in my heart. I know people tell you this all the time, you read it all the time but this was a personal affirmation to me. It is that Jesus hears my every cry and feels my pain and where I am today, at this point in my life, carrying the cross I carry, He has made it clear to me that He hears me!!! Thank you, Jesus. I love you, Jesus.

17 Jan 2014

GCE 'O' Level Results 2014

Happy and ever so grateful that the boy is done with secondary school and headed into a new and exciting chapter in his life. PSLE seems so recent and yet so far away. Probably because it was a big milestone (or rather, millstone around us Singapore parents' necks). Also pleasantly surprised that he picked up a school character award when he went to collect his GCE 'O' Level results. This is on top of the Edusave character award he had already received recently. Proud of him. Proud of both my kids! Feel so blessed. 

Thank you, Lord (because Lord, I know you read my humble blog and I'm not even kidding). 
Michael and I have been truly blessed by you, Lord and I know you are continuously watching out for us : ) 
I also want to thank you, Lord for opening my eyes and heart to embrace a new and better future. Thank you!

9 Jan 2014

I love my husband

I love my husband.
He loves God.

I love my husband.
He is my go to person for whining. He's NOT a good listener, mind you. He turns his attention away at the most inappropriate times! He walks away while you are in mid-sentence. Have something urgent to speak your mind on? He might just fall alseep just when you get to the juicy part! In fact, he's the worst person to whine or complain about anything or anyone to! If you expect comfort in your time of need, he'll give you a good nagging so you might actually feel worse than before you confided in him! He doesn't care to know that you need TLC. Uh uh. He'll get what you're trying to say all mixed up and he nags you to knock some sense into you. Actually, I say 'you' when I really mean me and I don't know why I still whine to a man who doesn't want to hear my whining!!! Note all my exclamation marks!!!

I love my husband.
He does for me, things, many other husbands would not. He can whip up a decent fried rice. So decent, the kids think I will never outdo his! He's really good at housework. He mops! He does the laundry! (OK, no one's perfect! The ironing piles up because he and I both dislike ironing, much!) He's always there for me even when it's like he's never there!!!

I love my husband.
He does for the kids, things, many other fathers would not. He drives them around everywhere! He's been their unpaid chauffeur for 2 decades! He loves them and they know it. He loves them and I know it and because he loves our children so much, I love him for it.

I love my husband.
He loves people and you can see it in the way he treats others. He loves without asking much of others. He loves without asking much for himself.

I love my husband.
He may be this, he may be that. He may not be this, he may not be that. But at the end of day, when he climbs into bed, he'll wrap his arms (and legs) tightly around me, snore loudly into my ear and I'll know that he loves me (or maybe I just make a good bolster!!!)!!!

I love my husband
He seems like a toughie but those few vulnerable moments when we are together and he and I connect, I know the man that he really is and I love him.