16 May 2014

Long Hair

As if anyone cares but here's an update on the length of my hair.

OK, that cartoony half crown was pasted just so no one would be desperate enough to copy my silly looking pic for use!
My hair was initially in a simple one length cut. It hung very straight. In January 2014, I found the long bob to be too heavy and trimmed off at least 3 inches and had some layers put in (by myself, ahem!). What happened was my naturally wavy hair started curling even more. I'm pretty happy with the way the layers fall actually.

I've not coloured my hair since Dec 2013 and from the pic, the colour at the crown actually doesn't look too bad. I have my reasons for not colouring my hair at the moment. Might talk about it another time. I'm tempted to go for a haircut but I also know myself very well. I will probably not be happy with the outcome and will probably have to spend more time in front of the mirror trying to fix it (which I would positively hate! Aaarrrgh!). Hard to believe but although my hair is relatively long, I really spend very minimal time on it. I am a wash and go person. In fact, I am more a wash and sleep person. I know, I know. Terribly unhealthy but hey, time is of the essence. Long hair also means I get to tie it up away from my face when I need to. Little fuss as far as I'm concerned. I'd probably be a lot less sweaty if I cut it super short but too scared of spending too much time on it thereafter!

Have been pretty busy so I figured I'd just post something inane about my hair! If you're trying to grow out your hair, my suggestion to you is to just leave it alone. The ugly phase will pass in a few months. Be patient and resist cutting it! Ta!