27 Apr 2012

Thump thump thumping along

2 nights ago, I walked up the 14 storeys and panted all the way. Felt like my lungs were going to burst and no oxygen was reaching my head. It was by far, the worst I've felt since I started 'exercising'. Didn't push myself so I walked down (legs all wobbly) and went back home to rest. Realised that my voice had also been hoarse that day and the day before but I wasn't showing any other cold symptoms. I thought I was perhaps sick without knowing it and that was why my lungs just couldn't handle the exercise.

Anyhow, went last night again and yay! My lungs were back to normal. I walked up and down and then felt like going for a jog. So I went thump, thump, thumping quite slowly and heavily along the road. It was double the distance that hubs had egged me on previously (mentioned in the following post)

It cannot be called running. More likely jogging but ever so slowly and consistently. I was elated. I didn't get out of breath at all. I figured it was jogging 400m without stopping. That's a real feat for fat me, okay. I could have gone one but I didn't want my calves to be aching during the approaching weeked (yippee, it's Friday today!) so I stopped. Headed home for a bath. Was surprised that sweat was still dripping off me as I sat in front of my computer after the bath. Hmmm....strange. Felt really good thereafter.

I want exercise to be a part of my lifestyle. No more excuses unless I'm physically unable to do it because of pain (like another sprained ankle or something). The good news is I feel so good the morning after but the bad news. Sob. No weight loss. I AM paranoid about seeing the reduced figure on my digital weighing scale but not willing to go on some silly restrictive diet. So, sigh. It's going to be a slow thumping road ahead. Pray for me. Be with me as I go on this very slow, journey.

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