30 Sept 2015

End September 2015 Update (with pics)

After saying that I would start eating lean, this is what I had for dinner!

Aglio Olio from NTU (Nanyang Technological University)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Delicious Aglio Olio from her uni! Not quite 'lean' but what was I to say when my daughter offered to buy this for dinner? We'd eaten it on several occasions and to me, the cook makes all the difference to this simple-to-cook yet difficult-to-master dish. This is the best I have tasted. I have been told my Aglio Olio rocks but it's because I've been trying to erm....achieve this cook's standard. I say 'cook' and not 'stall' because they changed the cook one time and it was just not the same.

Luckily, the portion isn't as big as what I would usually help myself to if I had cooked it at home! It was however, enough to make me feel terribly sleepy right after dinner and I did a terrible thing; after walking the dog, I went to lie down in bed! I didn't fall asleep but I was drifting into it when hubs came home. He couldn't believe I hadn't folded the laundry :( and because he seemed annoyed that he had to fold the laundry he had left for me to fold (haha), I felt guilty and got up. He then came to the room to rest just when I was about to get on the rebounder. He kept interrupting my routine to tell me to go over to him to watch a particular video (he's into watching crazy road users at the moment. Sigh). I had to tell him I wanted to exercise!

I didn't carry any of my weights and just solely rebounded for 30 minutes. I had weighed myself after dinner and after rebounding. By the way, I keep weighing myself not so much because I am desperate to drop pounds or kilos. I keep stepping on the scales because I'm trying to learn how this yo-yo weight thing works. It's more to learn more about how my body works. So back to the weight. I was the SAME weight for that morning and after dinner. I'm not sure where the aglio olio had disappeared to but it was all good! Perhaps having stood up at the office for several hours that day helped. Perhaps it was the fact that I hadn't taken any rice during the day. Perhaps, perhaps.

What was exciting was right after I finished rebounding, I had dropped 600g. Haha. How does that happen? Now it was MY turn to interrupt hubby to ask him. He just looked at me and told me to get my OWN scales if I didn't trust HIS scales. LOL.

I feel that while my shoulders have lost water (remember I said I was suddenly feeling bloated in the last week?), my face and tummy are still 'rounder'. I can feel it when I wash my face. That's how sensitive I have become to my own body size. I did wake up this morning to see a weight loss. It's not so apparent in the pic and it's not even apparent in the way I look. I think I still look terribly overweight. I can see the wobbly orange skin on my thighs staring back at me in the mirror. But still, the weighing scale and the tape measure say I have lost some.

So, here's the end of Sept update pic. Wrinkles and eyebags, yes. I am no young chick, lah.

End September 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

And here's a pic of me not smiling:

End September 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

This morning, 30th September 2015, after 2.5 months of continuous rebounding, I have dropped 4 kg. That is not much progress in terms of weight loss but I have lost another inch off my hips, making it a total loss of 2.5 inches. My waist has lost another inch, making it a total loss of about 4.5 inches. As for my boobs, sigh, they have lost another inch, making it a total loss of about 3 inches. My BP read 139/96. Diastolic is still high so there's still a lot of room for improvement.

Progress from Mid-July to September 2015
Estimated Weight loss = 4 kgs

Estimated Inch Loss from:
Bust = 3 inches
Waist = 4.5 inches
Hips = 2.5 inches

So, there is progress after all. Really uphill. Really slow. I'm not starving or anything. As you can see, I am still eating good food (like delicious Aglio Olio) but I have just balanced it out. Eat too much now, eat less later. Eat too little now, eat more later.

The My Fitness Pal App has been really useful to me. I am not paid by them to say this. I can enter foods and see their estimated calories so I can judge if I am eating too much or too little (the too little part hasn't been utilised). It made me realise how some foods seem so innocuous and yet contain so many calories. It also made me see that if I ate just vegetables, I would definitely be seeing fast results. But, me being me and loving food so much, I have to put up with the progress being slow instead because I like my food too much. I'm not yet at a stage where I would totally sacrifice my high calorie foods for low calories one and I'm not sure if I will stay this way or change. But I know I am now more conscious of what I eat and how I am treating my body. Someone said to stop focusing on the weight and to focus on the health instead and I know that's good advice. If only I follow it.

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