2 Aug 2012

Happy Call Double Sided Pressure Pan - Cooking Vegetables

Took some pics of veg I'd cooked. It's not that I'm a good cook nor is it because my vegetables look extraordinary but I just wanted to show you how my veg turned out with the help of the Happy Call Double Sided Pressure Pan (such a mouthful). Remember, hor, this is Working Mother, cooking up decent dinners for the family after a day at work. No time for fancy stuff. I can afford maybe 30 minutes max per evening, to whip up dinner.

Top: Sio Pek Chye (Xiao Bai Cai)
Bottom: Kangkong

They look okay, right? I basically heated the pan as usual with a small drizzle of cooking oil (and I mean a really small drizzle. I don't even think it's a teaspoon's worth. Throw in some garlic, fry till fragrant, then add the veg. My seasoning (like Chilli for the Kangkong) was added after I had closed the top pan cover for about a minute. Yeah, a minute. That's why like I said before, because of the speed at which the food cooks in the Happy Call Double Sided Pressure Pan, I cannot go do other stuff while the food cooks. I have to stand there to watch. But of course, because it cooks quickly, you're actually spending lesser time at the stove. Anyway, before the greens turn brown, I throw in the seasoning and give it a stir. If I think the seasoning requires a bit more time to 'settle', I just turn off the stove and close the pan to let it sit for a while. Don't forget about it though, cos I did once and I ended up ditching my brown and very yucky looking veg. You'll want to open it up and scoop up the contents so that they don't continue cooking.

My pan's the smallest in size but I can still squeeze in two whole bundles of leafy spinach into it. Was a bit tempted to buy the deeper one but I think it's not really necessary (learning to be thrifty). It's a bit tricky with this shallow pan. You've to push the leaves down and at the same time, ensure that the bottom leaves don't get burnt while you're dealing with the top. But you'll get the hang of it in a jiffy. 

So what's so good about cooking veg in the Happy Call Pan? Actually, I'd much prefer to stir fry Chinese veg in a normal wok. However, I'd use the Happy Call Pan to cook my veg IF I'm already using it to cook my meats. I'll finish with the meat dishes first, then just rinse the pan with water (I don't soap it until after everything's done) and start cooking the veg. It'd be too bothersome to start cooking the veg in a new wok. Oh yes and it takes lesser oil to cook the veg with the Happy Call Pan.

I'm in the mood for Fish Head curry tonight. Bought meself some brinjals. Slurp.....am already imagining it.....

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