19 Aug 2011

Working Mother's Left Overs (Ikan Bilis Fried Rice and Assam Fish Curry)

I ate alone last night, washed up the dishes, walked the dog, switched on the TV to hear the Presidential Election candidates talk and promptly fell asleep on the couch halfway through Dr. Tan Cheng Bock's speech. Woke up hours later when I heard Mike talking to the kids (he had just come home) at the dining table.

So what does a Working Mother cook when she's only cooking for herself and her two kids who have told her they aren't very hungry?

Well. I had left over rice and a medium sized bowl of my Assam Fish Curry.

I decided to chop up my remaining brinjal (huge one) and soak them. Added green chillies and some tomatoe wedges and sauteed them with the brinjals and onions till they turned soft. Then I added in my left over Assam Fish Curry and threw in some sliced cabbage. As there wasn't much gravy left over from the day before, I added some broth.

Left Over Assam Fish Curry (Yikes!)

So this might look disgusting to some (looks like something you'd see in a dustbin, huh?) but it was delicious. It was heavenly sitting at the dinner table all by myself, digging through this pot (was too lazy for presentation so didn't even scoop it out into a bowl) and slurping and fishing out bones (from my mouth). I'm so proud of myself that I didn't choke on any Selar bones! They were scary. Selar fish and their fine, pokey bones are definitely not meant for curry but what the heck, it was fun! This ain't no Michelin star restaurant. It's Working Mother's Kitchen and so, no rules, right? Well, there are rules but none for ME - hey, my home, my rules!
I had also plucked together some ham, green peas & corn, eggs and ikan bilis and made Fried Rice (for later, when the kids might be hungry). To go with some otah (otak) I had bought earlier.

Ikan Bilis Fried Rice

Just in case the kids would eat it, I didn't make it too spicy. I did add alot of pepper and some chilli flakes in oil but just a dash. For my own sake, I had my cut chilli padi in soya sauce. Don't wish to self-rate lah. It was ok. Not fantastic but palatable.

And guess what, because no one really ate much (except myself) last night, they're gonna be eating left over Ikan Bilis Fried Rice with fish otah (otak) tonight because it's a Friday night AND I want to PARTY!!! *laughs wickedly*

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