16 Aug 2011

Working Mother's Suay Kow - Finally!

The Saturday before National Day, I woke up feeling like cooking a big breakfast for the family - which I did; sausages, baked beans, french toast and all (forgot to take pics, sorry). Then right after the last person (Saturday mornings are for catching up on sleep) had finished with breakfast and I'd washed up the pots and pans, I realised it was already time to start cooking lunch!

Decided to finally make Suay Kow (Dumplings). I had already pre-seasoned my minced meat (one packet pork, one packet chicken) a couple of days ago and just had to have them wrapped in store-bought skins.
From past experience, I find it much easier to make them and dunk them immediately in a pot of boiling water, as opposed to making a whole stash ready before starting to dunk them.

Here's a plate of dumplings drained with water drained. Hastily cut chilli and parsley garnish was for the benefit of my hubby who had advised me to spice up my food pics!

Meanwhile, for the soup, I had another pot of pork stock boiling. Also rolled up some meat balls and threw them in to cook.

It may look like a small dish but believe you me, a few Suay Kow will go a long way! Add some cut chilli to soya sauce (light or dark) and sluuuuurp!
Self-rating: 7/10 (Yeah, baby!!!)

Unfortunately, in the days that followed this, I totally forgot to take pics of my Chicken Curry and Nasi Lemak dishes! When a working mother's in a rush to cook up meals within half and hour, taking pics is the last thing on her mind! Darn! Am especially pissed with myself about forgetting to take pics of the Nasi Lemak! Well, there's always next time.

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