3 Aug 2011

Working Mother's Chicken and Chips

Tuesday afternoon 2 August 2011.
Called hubby to ask him help me buy wanton skins. Told him I had already seasoned my minced meat and thought of making 'Sui Kow' for dinner that night (those gigantic wantons filled with minced meat and sometimes filled with prawns or veg). He says 'Sui Kow' in soup sounds good.

What does the guy do? Oh, he buys the skins for me alright. But I get home from work and see him frying crinkle cut chips. Slightly irritated, I ask him, 'Chips and 'Sui Kow'? You KNOW I'm cooking Sui Kow!'. He continues frying and says he just felt like eating chips. He munches on some as he fries.
I couldn't make myself pass any sarcastic comments because I myself had had this weird urge to eat chips earlier that afternoon (and had in fact ordered Fish and Chips for lunch)!

So, Working Mother (also known as Mrs Fixit - although I'm too lazy to fix much nowadays) had to do a quick mental assessment of what I had already defrosted and seasoned in what I call my fridge's 'bottom bin' and do a quick menu change. Decided to season chicken fillet in store bought flour/crumbs to match hubby's chips. The result:

Chicken and Chips

Self-rating:  7/10
(Not too bad lah cos the kids and hubs actually made individual effort to come tell me the chicken was delicious and I had managed to not burn the chicken and yet have it turn out a nice crisp brown!)

BTW, that miserable piece of lettuce (which I placed on each individual's plate) was my pathetic attempt at having them take a erm....balanced meal. Most definitely did NOT work. Neither one of them (that is, daughter, son or hubs ate the lettuce). Son actually asked me if I was trying to sneekily slip a piece of veg onto his plate to try to trick him into eating veg. I, their human vacuum cleaner, therefore, ended up dunking all their lettuce in Nando's sauce and eating it all up. I give up.

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