5 Aug 2011

Working Mother's Comfort Food - Stewed Pork Ribs/ Black Eggs/ Tomato Pork

Hubby went out yesterday evening. Came home later that night and asked me, 'So, what did you cook for dinner, tonight?'
No need for explanations. I told him, 'Look at the pics in my phone!'
He'd know eventually if he reads my blog. But he does not. He does not read ANY blogs for that matter. Social media is a waste of time to him (and I'm trying to change his mind about this). He knows I've been taking pics of my dishes so he burst out laughing. At least he was interested in the pics to actually look in my phone. Then he held on to it and hogged it the whole night playing some bubble bursting game....sigh.
Side track note: He said I was snoring loudly after he had only 'died' 3 times at the game.

So what DID I cook yesterday evening? Mid-morning yesterday, daughter texted me from school to cook 'that very nice chicken thingy in a can'. First thought was instant curry chicken (but surely it had tasted horrible?). We exchanged some text messages back and forth before I could figure out that she meant Narcissus brand's Stewed Pork Ribs! Alamak, I had to chide her, 'Pork, lah, girl, not chicken!'.

Hubs wasn't eating with us so we had:

Narcissus brand's Stewed Pork Ribs

Totally oily, fatty, unhealthy and so, so yummilicious (Son won't agree though. He doesn't like it at all). Then because only daughter would eat that and son wouldn't, had to think of an alternative meat dish.
Self-rating: Not applicable (It's idiot proof to cook this, unless one doesn't know how to open a can or turn on the stove).

Tomato Sauce Pork

I cut up some pork chunks, potatoes and onions and fried them in tomato sauce. Decided to use Heinz Del Monte tomato sauce (in a plastic bottle that was very shiok to squeeze) instead of tomato paste and felt that it was too salty (or sourish) for my liking. Paste would have tasted better.
Cooked this for the benefit of my son and he tells me he's full cos he made cup noodles just before I had returned home from work! Hmmmph!!! He only poked around his black egg and tried a bit of the tomato pork. Then he reminds me he dislikes anything in tomato sauce (except maybe spaghetti).
Self-rating: 3/10 (Pork was soft and succulent as I had defrosted for a day in my 'lower bin' but the tomato sauce wasn't to my liking.

Also fried what we call Mike's Black Eggs:

 'Black' Eggs (Eggs in Dark Sauce)

Mike taught me to fry this when we were first dating (hmmm....that would be eons ago). When my cooking skills were limited to cooking rice, frying eggs and instant maggi mee. It's something my mother-in-law used to cook for him. Eggs beaten with dark sauce, pepper and salt! That single bull's eye in the pic is for moi.
No self-rating lah. Shy even to self-rate frying eggs.

Finished cooking all the above in a jiffy.
The cheek of Hubs. He was going through my pics last night on my phone and ahem, actually reading the last 2 posts on my blog and advising me to add abit of garnishing here and there to my dishes so they look better online. Alamak! It's not called Working Mother's No Frills dishes for no reason. I have to cook fast and furious everyday and then still remember to snap pics with my phone.

Oh yes....take a look at the half-eaten Sago with Gula Melaka I had whipped up. Forgot to take pics until eaten halfway. Hee hee, that's happening alot these days:

Sago with Gula Melaka and coconut milk

I had poured the cooked Sago into small bowls to set overnight in the fridge, then cupped them out onto a plate the next day. Boiled Gula Melaka and poured it and some coconut milk over the sago. Made 4 small bowls but 2 bowls was still too much for the 3 of us (Son refused to even try and gets upset if I 'force' him to - so I didn't. Daughter was flabberghasted at this 'new' dish but tasted it and did eat quite a bit. But she found it too sweet for her liking. She asked for her usual 'Green Jelly' instead. That's jello which I make nearly every week).

Self-rating: 2/10 (Sago too sticky and somewhat uncooked in the centre. Gula Melaka too sweet and the brand of coconut milk I used wasn't my usual brand and it didn't taste very nice. Overall, one would be able to taste what this dessert is supposed to taste like but am not happy with the results).

So there you have it - our comfort food.
Fast to cook, good to eat (wait, isn't that from Maggi Mee's ad from eons ago?)

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