22 Aug 2011

Sausages and Mash / Cook a pot of curry

Saturday, 20 Aug 2011
Kids had no school or tuition last Saturday morning so we had a good rest and slept in. Woke up late morning to start cooking lunch. I was cooking Sausages and Mashed Potatoes and spent a good hour making the sauce from scratch. Had to ditch the first attempt. Wasn't happy with the taste. I was trying to achieve the KFC sauce taste and well both kids eventually told me individually, 'Mmmmm, mum, your sauce is nice!' That's a great achievement! Also realised that to whip up the mashed potatoes to a correct consistency wasn't as easy as one might think it to be.

Sausages and Mashed Potatoes

Mike had bought a small slab of roasted pork so everyone had a bite of that. I also sauteed some baby tomatoes and french beans. My daughter actually asked me why I had to go add those in????!!!! Sheesh, as expected, neither kid touched the veg. Oh yes, fried some commercially packed Ayam Balls but they turned out horrible (from a reputable brand - but so blah in taste).
I also did my black sauce meat and boiled eggs (and whipped up some chilli with plum sauce for sweet chilli to go with) which turned out quite tasty but I'd totally forgotten to take pics of it. Come to think of it, I hadn't even taken pics of my Nasi Lemak. I know, the black sauce pork didn't exactly go with Nasi Lemak but I had already defrosted my pork slabs in the 'lower bin' for a day and didn't want the pork to go bad. Sometimes, ya gotta do what ya gotta do.

Sunday 21 Aug 2011
I had agreed on Facebook to cook a pot of curry on 21 Aug 2011 but really, after a week of feasting on my Assam Fish Curry, I neither felt like cooking or eating curry on Sunday. Besides, I had slaved a few hours cooking Nasi Lemak for the sake of my son. Here's a taste of the craziness as a mother:

(I'm cooking in the kitchen and son is still zzzzzzzzzzzz)
Hubs: I just went into the room and your boy asked me if 'Mummy was cooking'. I said, 'Yes' and he asked excitedly if it was Nasi Lemak!
Me: Wah! How did he know?

(son comes trotting to the kitchen)
Son: Are you cooking Nasi Lemak? Tell me it's Nasi Lemak!
Me: Yah
Son: Yay!

(we're all sitting at the table eating)
Me: How did you know I was cooking Nasi Lemak?
Son: It's all we ever eat, what!

(Me, fuming........I only cook it because it's ALL he ever eats!)

Very tiredly, after washing up after our Nasi Lemak lunch, I decided to cook a pot of 'unglam' Nonya Chicken Curry. Well, it was a very weak rendition of Nonya Curry but my curry pot was just a symbolic stand. No frills. Just chicken and quartered potatoes.

(my symbolic pot of Nonya Chicken Curry)

We had left over Nasi Lemak for dinner and this pot of curry chicken. I didn't have any commercial Nonya curry paste at home so I tried my best to use normal curry powder and from there, try to achieve the 'lemak' taste. Didn't taste too bad but my guys weren't the least interested in it. They were more interested in the left over Nasi Lemak. Well, at least I did cook my pot of curry!

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