15 Sept 2015

Your body feels different!

This is a pic of the hazy weather we're seeing in Singapore right now because the winds have brought in the smog caused by fires set by Indonesian farmers to clear crop land.

Hazy weather in Singapore
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

I liken my current job (soon to be jobless) situation to Singapore and Indonesia. I am like Singapore. My country excels in many things and is on top of many issues. My nation is super efficient but she cannot stop another country from polluting the blue skies of our beautiful island. It is out of out control and thus, we make the best of the situation while unceasingly trying to find a resolution.

As such, I am just going to think positive and know that our good Lord will help me open a door, far greater than the one closing on me. Good riddance to bad rubbish!

So I don't know what happened to us last night. It could have been the haze but Mike and I fell asleep right after dinner. I woke up at midnight feeling hot and thirsty. Took my bath (yes, we weren't supposed to fall asleep. I was still in my office clothes!) and brought the doggy for a walk. Returned to find hubs awake and frustratingly getting no signal from our Starhub Fibre broadband (none of us at home could). He took his bath, went to water his plants and then we snuggled in bed, trying very hard to fall asleep after our long nap (in fact, I was still tossing and turning when his alarm clock rang for him to wake up that morning).

When we were snuggling with each other, his hands suddenly groped my waist, pinched what I call my 'waistline blubber' and then expressed surprised at how much my waist had shrunk! As if unconvinced, he stroked my tummy and then proceed to grope my bum! That's when he said my body has shrunk. He said it feels different! He said (and I hope that he was really joking) that he missed my old body and wanted the fats back!

Yay! Yay! Yay! Who would know my body better than the one who gropes it the most??? Yay, I say!

I also realised that I do not bloat as much after a meal. For dinner, I had pork chops and a side dish of aglio olio. I ended up eating more aglio olio and so it wasn't really a side dish any more. But, I woke up today and found no bloating. Instead, my weight dropped a little from yesterday. Yah lah, I still weigh myself on a daily basis - I don't care even if it's not a good gauge, to me it acts as a warning to me should I be putting on too much weight, to eat more conservatively at the next meal or to up my exercise.

So, that was 2 days of completely no exercise after 4 continuous days of 1hr jogging on the rebounder and yet the scales have moved downwards a little. For an insulin resistant person suffering from PCOS, I'd say that's a big progress! BIG YAY!

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