7 Sept 2015

Not quite Forrest Gump yet

My aches did go away enough for me to go jogging again! Here I am before the run, not feeling very well because I'm suffering from PMS bloating and womb aches.

Feeling bloated before a jog (sans makeup)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
It's apparent from the above pic that I was not just feeling bloated but looking bloated. Actually, I remember feeling fed up because I could see myself in the phone looking bloated!!! But I decided to push myself to just leave the house and go for my jog. I'd better not call it a run because I'm jogging slowly most of the distance and only taking up the pace and sprinting short distances.
I surprised myself and managed to go 30 minutes without stopping. That may not be a big deal to those who can run longer but please remember that I am no runner. In the past (yay! I can say in the past now!), I would pant just running a few metres.
There's a marked route in the park just across our apartment. Aparently, 6 rounds will bring you to 2.4km. I didn't start there. I decided to just do the roadside pavement because there were fewer people there. After a few rounds, I ran to the park. It was crowded with joggers, runner, kids on skate scooters and people brisk walking or strolling. While the experts were running with their bluetooth headsets, yours truly stuck to the old school guns and used my headband stereo headphones, wire and all! I couldn't find my arm band to hold my phone (to act as a music player) and so I just held it in my hand as I ran. I don't know how I managed to jog without dropping my phone!
I was only going to do 15 or 20 minutes because I didn't want to have aching thighs for another 3 days again. Instead, before I knew it, I had stretched it to 30 minutes! Of course I was panting by the time I reached home but I didn't experience any light-headedness which is a great improvement for me.
Don't I look a lot less grumpy after the jog?
After a 30 minute jog
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Can you see the sweat soaked T? It felt really great immediately after the run. I managed to get a bath before we scooted out. I'd complained that my shoes were hurting my feet and so Hubs brought me out to pick out a new pair of running shoes! Yay!


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