29 Jul 2011

Flea Market - Saturday 30 July 2011

We'll be at the Changi Village Flea Market this Sat 30 July 2011.
5-11pm. C'ya.

BTW, how d'ya like this pair of shoes? My kid's pal commissioned me to do up her Vans with one of my existing designs:

I enjoyed doing the shoes because it offered me a larger canvas to paint but wouldn't have touched it with a pole if it hadn't been for a friend of my daughter's because (if you're reading it), it was filthy and STANK big time! (LOL. Had to literally wear a mask those few hours doing it!). Hope you like it, owner!

Working Mother's Mixed Chow - Batang Steak / Sliced Pork / Kangkong

So after Monday night's Laksa, Tuesday night was a no-go in terms of cooking. Both kids were eating out after staying back late in school and I was too tired from unpacking stuff over at my new office so hubs and I decided to walk over to a nearby Bak Kut Teh restaurant to have what else....Bak Kut Teh (Pork Rib Soup), Ter Kah (Pig's Trotters) and Mei Cai (a salted veg condiment). Deeeelicious!

Got home on Wednesday evening to find that hubs had already fried eggs and corned beef (for his own benefit, I might add).

In addition, I cooked:

Batang Steak with chilli and onions

Batang (fish) steak, pan seared with a motherload of onions and cut chilli and a dash of lemon : )
Mmmmm....yummy, even if I do say so myself. I'd rate it a 7/10 (I know what you are thinking. The gall of this woman, rating her own cooking. FYI, who cares? This is my blog and I'm the one who cooked it and ate it. I'm the one who knows if or not I had food poisoning after the dish. I can rate my own cooking if I wish to, thank you! HAHA)


Pork and sliced potatoes soaked in HP sauce. Tasted pretty good. Self-rating 5/10.

Then, though I knew we already had enough, I took a look at my refridgerator's bunch of wilting Kangkong and knew I had to cook it that night or junk it.

Also, I thought that my daughter might appreciate coming home to a dish of Chilli Kangkong since it's one of her favourites. It looks a bit too watery. I still can't quite get it right (just like zhi-char restaurants) but this time round, the taste was nearly there. Why is it so watery when I cook it at home? I don't even add water. Is it because I actually wash my kangkong and restaurants don't???!!! Of course, I had to make do with whatever bottled chilli I could find at home and well, it's a working mother's no frills Chilli Kangkong. What else does anyone expect? : )

26 Jul 2011

Working Mother's No-Frills Laksa

I'm not a good cook but you can't fault me for trying. I actually enjoy cooking. Having to work in the day, I usually have to rush home to cook dinner. It's usually a mad rush, giving myself only half an hour from the time I step foot back home, to the time I serve the dinner. I do find it therapeutic though, even if it's usually 10pm before I wipe and place the last dinner plate back onto the kitchen shelves!

Here's Monday night's No-Frills Laksa cooked by yours truly.

No frills because no 'hum' (cockles), no laksa sambal, no laksa leaves, no shelled prawns (used frozen peeled prawns) and didn't even have the time to pluck the bean sprout tails. Ha ha. We're still alive today, no? And NO STOMACH UPSET. ha ha ha ha.....

Just 2 packets of A1 Laksa mix (Prima is better in my humble opinion), some coconut milk, lots of tah-pok, yong-tauhu mix and tah dah. No frills. Finished in half and hour.

I'd rate it a 3/10. Blah. A bit on the diluted side. Ooops.
(You don't see the yong tahu cos this is a 'posed' photo. I'd totally forgotten to take a pic of my actual servings and only thought to do so when I was washing up. By then, I'd already run out of yong tahu so just plonked whatever I had left and took a pic. Not too bad looking, even if I do say so myself. LOL).

Wondering what to cook tonight, though.....sigh.

20 Jul 2011

So tired

Haven't decided if we should set up stall in Changi this Saturday or not.

I've to attend my daughter's Parents-Teachers session at her JC on Sat and I am feeling physically tired. Wouldn't mind just staying home to watch a senseless movie and cooking up a more elaborate dinner. My day job office is relocating and there are tonnes and tonnes of stuff to pack and throw out. It's not been easy, doing that whilst the business (day job) is still running. The past week especially has been so tiring. I go home ready to drop but have to prepare dinner and deal with the ironing (school uniforms). Can't wait for the National Day break to come......hee hee....will be going off for a short break with my man again. I luuuuurve short breaks! Sorry, nothing to do with not being patriotic. Just about being able to find a few days off in a row to take a break from work and the usual mad schedule of things.

Cooking. Hmmm....that's been on my mind alot lately. I enjoy cooking so it's not a very big deal to do so (but ironing is something else altogether)! I find it fulfilling as a wife and mother to be able to feed my family. As I write this, I'm thinking, I should take pics of the meals I prepare. Given that I've not been cooking 'full-time' very long (does it count if I've been watching cooking shows since my pregnancies umpteen years ago?), what I whip up is dependent on what I buy at the supermarket (yes, no wet markets for me, thank you), what dishes I can think off and largely what the fussy pots will eat.

It's tough when one doesn't eat any chicken with bones, one eats chicken with bones. One likes soup. The other doesn't. One loves kangkong. The other doesn't. One likes eggs seasoned with black sauce. The other fancies bullseyes. One can eat western all year round. The other fancies Chinese. You get the drift. Sigh.

I really should start taking pics of my dishes. Why didn't I think of that before?

Anyway, back to the topic of this Saturday's stall at Changi. If we're there, we're there. If we're not, we're not. Feel free to give us a call to check with us.

15 Jul 2011

Flea Market - Changi Village - Sat 16 July 2011

We'll be at the Changi Village Flea Market this Saturday 16 July 2011.

New home decor stock has arrived! C'ya.

11 Jul 2011

Free Delivery

Mike and I are in a good mood so we're offering FREE DELIVERY for every pair of Cartoon Lagoon hand painted shoes you order.

That's right, S$29 includes FREE DELIVERY to a local address within Singapore Mainland.

Delivery lead times are about 1 to 2 weeks and unit price excludes any embellishments to shoes straps.

8 Jul 2011