23 Sept 2015

The Ramly Burger

Before we fell asleep last night, I had to ask hubs THE QUESTION; WHY wouldn't he just join me in my weight loss journey? You will understand the reason behind my asking after I explain.

I'm not sure to call yesterday a bad or a good day.

As indicated in my last post, I had started the morning off weighing in at the lightest I have been in a long time. In fact, since I started on my on-the-ball (serious) exercise regime. Happy as a lark, I decided to keep within my 1500 calorie intake for the day with the help of the MyFitnessPal app (again, I am not paid to use them or say this).

An hour and a half before I was due to leave the office for home, I had a sudden craving for that darn packet of paprika chips sitting near me. I drank water to stave off the craving. Drank more water. But all I could think about was the salty, spicy taste in my tongue. So I said, oh heck, I'd just have ONE. Yes, one. I did start out like that. I broke off teeny tiny pieces off that one single chip and munched slowly on it. Then when I finished, I broke off the second chip into teeny tiny pieces and munched slowly on it too. Then, came the third chip which I broke off into bigger but still tiny pieces. Let me end your torture and just skip to the crunch. I ate up half a bag of chips. OK. I finally finished it and chucked the darn chip bag into the bin!

Suffice to say, I felt sick after eating the chips. But it was too late and I am not bulimic so I wasn't going to force myself to puke. I noticed my tummy was bloated right after eating the chips. That's something I have to look into. What was it that triggered the bloat? The potatoes? The salt? The paprika? What in my 'all natural' chips caused me to bloat? All I know is I hope never to go through that again.

So I got home and was determined to munch on 'grass'. Made myself a big plate of salad and threw in a handful of black olives which I love, love, love! No dressing (to save myself some calories). I was determined to be under the 1500 calorie goal by the time I was done with my exercise for the day. So after dinner, I took the dog for her walk, cleaned up the kitchen a tad and then got changed into my running gear.

I skipped the track and ran along the pavement round my estate. I only made it 20 minutes non-stop. Then I stopped and did another 10 minutes on the exercise machines below my apartment block. I was dripping in sweat by the time I got home. I'm sure the laundry basket is a tad more stinky these days with the wet clothes I am chucking in there!

Anyhoo, most pleased with myself, I bathed and relaxed in bed. Made a big mistake of watching cooking videos. My stomach was growling incessantly and I had half a mind to walk to the fridge to grab a handful of salad leaves to munch on. Instead, hubs came home and announced that he had bought RAMLY BURGERS. Yes. He did that. He invited his very hungry wife to join him at the dining table for supper. He left the room. I stayed in bed and then got up to join him and the rest is history.

Basically, the moral of the story is, do not go anywhere near a Ramly Burger when you are hungry because you WILL eat it. Sigh. I weighed 300 grams heavier after eating that burger.

This morning however, I had a small surprise. I was down a kilo. I don't know what the science is, but going totally off my 1500 caloric limit and eating that Ramly Burger AND a bit of hubs' sugary apom (a pancake thingy that is eaten with brown sugar), and of course that two round jog, managed to bring me back to yesterday's weight again.

So I am back where I started yesterday. IF I had not caved and eaten that burger, I would have been in a calorie deficit and woken up to a weight lower than yesterday. I knew it in my heart and yet, I had walked out of the room to eat THAT BURGER. So now you know, why, I just had to ask hubs to join me on my weight loss journey. It's a war strategy.

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