28 Sept 2015

Binge Eating Sunday (27 Sept 2015)

So I cheated. On purpose. I had my reasons and I wanted to do an experiment to know my body better.

Towards the end of the last week, whenever I looked in the mirror, I saw a puffy looking creature staring back at me. I could tell that I wasn't looking the same. I was supposed to be getting more toned wasn't I? I really was. So why was I suddenly getting 'plumper'? Though the scales were edging downwards ever so slowly, I could not shake the feeling that I was looking more bloated than usual. I measured my waist and it was still reduced so my girth wasn't expanding.

I had exercised every single day in the past week and I didn't feel it was torturous or anything. I actually enjoyed it and that's why I did it but I wondered if my body was taking it well. With the calories I was restricting myself in a day and with the amount of exercise I was doing, was I hitting a plateau so soon into this exercise lifestyle? Did I need to kick start my metabolism? Did I need to let it have a rest day and recover? I was feeling some aches especially in my arms and thighs because of the small weights I had been carrying and the squats I had been doing. So, I decided to have a rest day.

After Sunday Mass, I cooked Mee Goreng for the family and had 2 plates of it all to myself!!! Yes, carbs, carbs, carbs!

Home Fried Mee Goreng
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Then for dinner, I cooked about 10 chicken wings in my Philips Air Fryer (so no oil) and ate about half of them (okay, I shared about 2 with my dog so that means I ate at least 3). They were delicious by the way. I have it switched on at 200 deg for about 6-7 minutes per side if I want them crispy and about 5 mins per side if I want it more succulent.

I also ate pork patties and one and a half bowls of white rice with my delicious store bought sambal belachan. Then, I refrained from exercising (actually I should say I restrained myself from exercising because I really wanted to). Suffice to say, I felt really demoralised by the weight gain. I had put on 2.5 kgs just from that Sunday binge. I used the My Fitness App and estimated I had taken in about 3000 calories! Yes, I allowed myself this binge because I wanted to see if it was true....what was true? If this rest day / reloading of carbs would help my metabolism.

I made sure to drink plenty of my lemon and cucumber water the whole day. I did end up peeing a lot that night before I went to bed. Interestingly, I weighed myself after dinner (put on 2.5kg more than my weight in the morning before breakfast) and then I took my bath and weighed myself again AND I HAD LOST 1 KG. Don't ask me why. I know not why. Maybe you're thinking it's my scales. Perhaps. But do note that I am weighing myself so often only because I am neurotic about it. One is not supposed to rely so much on the weighing scale readings. But I guess I always have to be different and not go with the flow too much!

Then I woke up this morning and right after I had my morning drink and pee, I weighed in to find I had lost weight again but still not as low as Sunday morning.

Today, I am back on my clean eating and it's really not a chore. I am looking forward to it. To tell you the truth. Though the carbs were delicious, I really felt not so well after eating so much. I know that I'm not supposed to take a rest day from dieting and exercising so literally as to pig out. But I really let myself go and enjoyed myself fully with the food and I wasn't eating because I was sad or depressed! I was eating because I let myself eat!

Tonight, I will be back on the rebounder (because I doubt the haze will let up in time to go jogging) and I'll be hopping on my weighing machine again to check in (yes, yes, I check all the time). Will let you all know if this rest day binge eating and reloading of carbs and naughty foods actually helped me to kick start my seemingly plateaued metabolism! Ta!

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