9 Sept 2015

Coffee Withdrawal Symptoms (Day 14)

I'm two weeks free from coffee! No more headaches! Yay!

I make coffee for hubs once in a while in the evenings and I do smell the lovely coffee, with creamer, with sugar and I drool. However, the thought of suffering the headaches is enough for me to not go back to it. No thank you.

Since my last post, I was getting headaches at random times of the day. Mostly late afternoon or at night. It moved to just being on the right temple, just above the eye, or behind the eye. Heck. When the headache came, it would just be like there's a thorn stuck in your flesh and you know where it is located but you cannot dig it out!

I've been headache free for three days. I suspect that if it was a side effect of going off coffee, it should be gone for good. However, when I next drink any beverage with caffeine, I'm not sure if or not the headaches will return.

Why did I go off coffee?

It's part of my aim to change my lifestyle. I just felt like it. Drinking coffee black after a while was okay but then when I accidentally came off it and suffered the withdrawal symptoms, I realised that I didn't like to consume any food or beverage that would cause me to be dependent on it.

Initially, apart from the headaches, I was feeling sleepy. I still do wish that at times when I am feeling sleepy and I need to stay awake, that I could just down the coffee but as I said, I don't really wish to go through the going-off-coffee cold turkey routine again. Now that I'm off it and I'm still on my exercise routines, I'm feeling okay without it. I don't need coffee to perk me up any more. As for my bowel movement, it has become okay. Perhaps due to the lemon detox water I am drinking.

Discarded lemons and cucumber slices
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

In the mornings, I just drink about 2 glasses of water with lemon and cucumber slices in it (my 'detox' water). One glass immediately when I wake up and the other just before I leave the house. Have I become dependent on lemons, you say? Ha ha. I seriously do not know! I'd have to go off lemons to know if I suffer any side effects and if there are, you'll see a whole blog series on 'Lemon Withdrawal Symptoms'! But it's a lemon. Although I don't wish to be dependent on anything, I'd much rather be dependent on a lemon than coffee! If life is throwing me lemons, just give it to me because I'll be making lemon detox water! Yeah, baby!

(Update 18 September 2015 - No more headaches. No more coffee withdrawal symptoms. They did end after roughly 2 weeks. Yay!).

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