10 Sept 2015

Yay! Weight and inch loss

I was trying to think if at any time in the past week, I have had to starve. Nope. In fact, I've remained full at all times and even managed to squeeze in bites of ice-cream and half a bag of chips! Although I do not keep a record of my meals or calories, I do take mental notes of days I'm pigging out. I'll make sure to exercise or eat less-greedy meals the next day. I know full well what continuous sessions of greedy eating without exercise can do to me.

I'm not sure if anyone is interested but this is what I had yesterday:

A store bought ham and cheese bun.

Home packed salmon and boiled eggs.

A mixed salad tossed with boiled eggs, chicken pieces, mushrooms stir fried in onions (yum-yum), croutons and blue cheese. No salad dressing was added because the dish was already flavourful.
A simple commercial mushroom soup-in-a-cup with croutons.

Dinner - Mixed salad
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Dinner - Mushroom soup with croutons
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

It was so funny. I noticed that hubs was stuffing his mouth with the salad. After every bite, he would slurp some soup. He was doing it in double quick time and that's why I kept staring at him. Finally, I told him I had added the blue cheese which HE had bought, into the salad. That's when he burst out laughing and told me it was SOOOOOO SMELLY and if I could see him eating it up as quick as he could. Haha. I, on the other hand, loved the blue cheese!

I had wanted to go for a run as soon as I had got home from work yesterday evening. But somehow, hubs and I got into a serious discussion on dealing with lazy co-workers at work so I ended up not going and making dinner with whatever I had in the fridge instead.

As soon as I was done with washing up after dinner, I made him his coffee and announced that I was going for a run. I went to the room to tie up my hair, change and had even put on my earphones when hubs told me to not go as it was still hazy out. He asked me to exercise in the room so that 'he could watch me'. Aw...I melted when he said that. Of course I obliged.

But I really felt like running, so I ran non-stop on the rebounder for an hour. I highly doubt it was anywhere as near a work out as running on the ground but it's not a bad alternative to have unless I really invest in a treadmill.

Throughout the 60 minutes (actually about 70 minutes but who's counting? LOL), I consciously practised steady breathing. Following the steady beat of my feet, I'd breathe to the beat of 4.


I breathed in through my nose and exhaled through my mouth.
I was surprised but I kept it up for the whole hour and did not feel tired or heady at all. Not to sound boastful but the running for the 60 minutes on the rebounder was a piece of cake. However, I highly doubt I can attain 60 minutes of pounding the pavement yet!

I woke up this morning, weighed myself and whadya know? Despite having a rest day, despite eating the ice-cream, chips and more, the scale has moved downwards! Super excited, I whipped out my measuring tape and true enough, it showed loss of 1/2 inch from my waist and hips! Super, duper excited! It's like, FINALLY, the new lifestyle changes are making some progress! It's a slow progress and that's what I need to remind myself. I just need an injury to set me back to ground zero again so I cannot afford to get injured or let myself get lazy.

A few days ago, I had lifted all my FATS to Jesus in prayer and told Him to please help me take away the unhealthy fats and help me to lose weight in the way pleasing to Him. When I told hubs, he laughed and laughed at me. I laughed too at how ridiculous it sounded but I told him I did not see anything wrong with it. Since I talk to the Lord all the time and I am honest when I talk to him, what is wrong to tell Him to help me with weight loss? I totally believe that prayer and faith is relevant to this change in lifestyle for me. He who can do anything, can help me burn fats! He can bless the situation! He can help me be less greedy. He can help me stay the course. He can keep me healthy. He can help me to help myself. Yep. Oh and by the way, my 60 minute jog on the rebounder was to the tune of upbeat Praise and Worship songs! I give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

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