29 Sept 2015

Weigh in - Post binge eating

It is 2 days after my binge eating last Sunday and I did drop down another 1 kg when I weighed myself after about 40 minutes of exercise last night and again this morning. I am a tad disappointed that another KG is still stuck on me and that I hadn't dropped down below my 'lowest weight in a long time'. Bah humbug. I doubt very much if I will go on another binge eating spree.

I went back on a 'reasonable' diet yesterday, having only veg for lunch, some fruit for a tea-time snack (although no tea) and then a huge salad with 2 chicken wings and about 3-5 tablespoons of rice and noodles. I know you're supposed to eat heavier at the start of the day and eat lighter as the sun sets but you know, when you're having dinner with the family, you don't really want to be a party pooper and sit there all by your lonely self with your cold salad.

Today, I had a small plate of noodles (fist size) for breakfast and only veg and fruit for lunch. (Note to self: The breakfast noodles (carbs) only held my hunger pangs away for 2 hours.) I'm still restricting my intake to 1500 calories a day (give or take) and I am going to stop lifting my light 'weights' for now. What I am intending to do is to lower the total calorie count of each day's meals and then just continue with my rebounding. I think I made a mistake of being too ambitious and jumping into carrying weights (even if they were light). I didn't go lean enough before trying to tone my body. My body just couldn't take the stress of the limited calories and various exercises and in trying to repair itself, retained the water, making me bloated.

Good news though. While high readings are still hanging around occasionally, I managed a 139 over 88 for yesterday night's BP readings. That's an improvement for me and I am happy with it. Overall, I am also feeling alert and good so that's a good sign.

Now, my aim is to focus on my diet and reduce my calorie intake while not sacrificing eating well and at the same time, exercising at least 4 times a week. In simple words, I just want to bring my weight down as low as possible by watching my food intake. It sounds easy but to me, that's a really tough one. I'd much rather rebound for an hour for an entire week than to restrict my food intake. But a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

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