17 Sept 2015

Good lunch spoilt by snack

This was my goody-two-shoes food choice for lunch. No rice.

Lunch choice (no rice)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Felt so good. Felt so full even without the rice. Then....of course it had to happen. Just barely two hours past lunch...
I snacked!
Sigh. This is all about controlling the consumer with deceptive but definitely effective packaging. The whole package said everything was 'natural'. Natural this, natural that. Of course I felt really good eating it. I told myself I'd just eat a handful. I ended up eating half a packet. What am I mumbling about?
Potato chips, lah! I snacked on potato chips!
Woe be me! That probably undid the little jogging I did last evening! Grrr....do you spy the little temptress?! Paprika potato chips. So yummy while I was crunching it.
Potato chip playing the temptress
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

I'm only on my second day into keeping track of what I eat using the My Fitness Pal app (I'm just trying it out and trying to gage my caloric intake). After lunch, I was already left with only 200+ calories to spare for my dinner choice (yes, I was thinking I should eat grass). Now, feeling sick and utterly disgusted with my gluttony and lack of self-control, I will really be eating just vegetables or fruit for dinner AND I will have to run my *ss off too tonight! Hmmmph! Epic healthy eating fail!

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