16 Sept 2015

Darl! Come! Come and eat!

I stared at the jogging track opposite our apartment yesterday evening and there wasn't a single person running. I took a cue from those regular joggers. If the haze was still bad for them to sit it out despite the respite from the afternoon rain, then I too should not be jogging outside. Thus, I hurried through my chores and hopped on the rebounder to exercising for an hour. I must say, I didn't quite enjoy the exercise play list from the Spotify app.

I was lying on the rebounder after my workout, totally exhausted from the leg lifts and stomach crunches when hubs opened the room door and said, "Darl! Come! Come outside and eat. I bought supper."

I told him he had to be crazy. I'd just spent an hour working out and he was asking me to have supper. I went to take my bath instead. He persisted and after calling me to join him a few times, I did.

So, that's how I ended up eating 7 or 8 otah sticks (fish paste sticks). Sigh. The good thing is, I took comfort from the fact that I woke up not heavier but still overall lighter. I take it, this is what will happen to me very often from now on. I will be presented with food and I will have to make a choice as to whether to eat it or not. Over the weekend, I did turn down the offer of cake and home baked bread, not because of calories but because I don't really fancy cake or bread in the first place. I am however, unable to turn down, otah! Woe be me!

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