21 Sept 2015

Shrinking waistline and what I ate over the weekend!

Having measured myself hastily, I have found that overall, there has not been much movement in inch loss except for my waist! My waist is actually shrinking! Yay! This is my usual black skirt which used to fit me to the T:

Shrinking waistline 21 Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
And another view of my waist:
Shrinking waistline 21 Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
This black skirt is not one of the two I had previously mentioned which have become too loose for me. I've had to keep those two aside. This is my regular waist high skirt which had slid further down from my navel. You could say I couldn't care less if I never wear an office skirt again. It's a matter of time anyway before I have to ditch my office skirts for good. If I do take up driving a cab full-time, I'll be in pants anyway.
That bunched up part of the skirt near my waistline in the above pic is just that, a crinkling of the skirt's waistband because I hadn't arranged it properly. It's not my waist bulging out, thank goodness. The tummy's still progressing very slowly. Very, very, very slooooooowly but persevere I will and I will not give up!
I exercised all through the weekend. Not quite as vigorous but still about an hour on the rebounder. I incorporated more toning and stretching exercises and I was trying to work more on my upper body (think flabby arms).
Considering what I ate over the weekend, I'm quite happy that my weight hasn't exploded and returned me to back where I started again.
Saturday morning saw me and my son having Sarawak Kolomee for breakfast:
Saturday breakfast: Sarawak Kolomee Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
The son and I had gone shopping for safety work shoes for him because he is currently an intern at an aviation company. After the purchase and a relaxing browsing at the huge hardware store (which got us really excited!), we went to have breakfast. Tar-paued (took away) a few packets for the rest of the family too. I'd eaten the 'red' sauced mee and John had eaten the 'black' sauced mee. I made a mistake of ordering just the black sauced Kolomee for the family before he and I had eaten at the stall. I should have tried the mee first then placed the order for the people back home! They complained that it was a tad too sweet. I on the other hand, had thoroughly enjoyed my red sauced Kolomee!
I skipped lunch and seriously cannot remember what I had for dinner.....gimme a minute! Ah!!! Hubs and I had dinner at IKEA!!! Oh my goodness, now I recall! There was such a long queue and I'd ordered the 20 meatball plate and 6 pieces of chicken wings to share with him. Thinking it wouldn't be enough for us, I had also ordered 2 buns and 2 pieces of garlic bread. The bread buns were a mistake. They were hard and yucks (maybe because it was already at night). Anyway, feeling guilty after the IKEA indulgence, I did work out on the rebounder for a whole hour while hubs was asleep. Then I put some chicken and ingredients into a crockpot (slowcooker) and hoped for the best.
Slow cooker Sunday Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
By Sunday morning, I had to turn off the crockpot before we went for Mass because I could see the contents of the pot bubbling. I added in some cheese.
Slow cooker Sunday Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I'd dumped chicken pieces, carrots, onions, celery, tomato paste and cheese and when we came back, lunch was ready. It looks a bit oily because I had added in sesame oil (because I like the taste).
Slow cooker Sunday Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I loved it but I think the family did not! The family suggested using beef instead of chicken because they didn't like the fact their chicken had all but disintegrated! I agreed! Still, I ate scoops of the above with a whole plate of rice. I enjoyed it because Mummy did not have to cook!!!
And to add to the weekend indulgence:
Dry Hor Fun Sept 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
For Sunday dinner, because hubs and I were by ourselves again, hubs ordered delicious fried rice while I went with the dry hor fun. A whole plate of carbs! I didn't feel too bad because we walked a lot at a mall after dinner and when I went back, I managed to workout for about 20 minutes. When I weighed myself after the workout, I was just glad that I hadn't put on any. Not too happy that I hadn't lost any in the way I would like but hey, with all that heavy duty eating, I shouldn't be complaining!

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