18 Sept 2012

Working Mother's Pizza Party! (and Chilli Chix Wings)

My daughter, Tessa had a pig out pizza party at our place recently to 'celebrate' the end of her GCE 'A' Levels preliminary exams. We call them 'prelims' here in Singapore. Prelims are the school based exams which are a sort of mock up of the actual 'A' Level exams to come. They've been busy studying so it was good to see them let their hair down for a day or two.

Home made pizza

I wouldn't exactly say making your own pizza is very much cheaper here in Singapore. For obvious reasons, the cost of cheese for pizza isn't as cheap as say in Australia or New Zealand. But I think making your own pizza will still cost you less than what you would pay for in a restaurant and you can definitely get more toppings for the same price or less. I had done a trial run (just for Mike, John and Tessa recently) and all I had put was cheese and Chicken Salami or Beef Pepperoni. No veg cos the kids enjoy their meaty pizzas. But this time round, for Tessa and her pals, I made sure to add red and green bell peppers, mushrooms and even black olives (I LOVE black olives!). I didn't get negative feedback (maybe they were too polite) so I hope it was to their liking!

Chilli Chicken Wings

Although I still cannot lay my hands on the Ghost Pepper chilli sauce (I tried but plans fell through from 2 separate sources -- I think I'm not meant to have them ever!), I did mix up a batch of my own super hot chilli paste and sort of made her pals go nuts a tad. It was like, sooooo hot....I can't take this....but I want to eat some more.....drink, drink......slurp slurp....sooooo hot....what am I doing? I'm eating some more! Hee hee. From the kitchen where I stayed to clean up, it was fun watching and hearing them munch and laugh at the table.

Also did Aglio Olio to go with the above two dishes. I think the makan session went well. They stayed from lunch through dinner till late at night. I'm happy to be able to cook and let my kids and their friends have a good time eating and talking. As long as the Lord provides, I pray I will be able to provide to others as well, even if it's just through my simple dishes. Thank you, Lord for your provision.

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