24 Aug 2015

Taxi Uncle update

My dear, dear Tuncle (short for Taxi Uncle) is back at work with a T-loan vehicle. Apparently, his former vehicle was up for scrap anyway and so God willing, his new cab (Hyundai Sonata i40) should be in the works a couple of months down the road.

After the accident, he had a whole week to rest while his vehicle was at the repair centre. I look back and wonder if this rest period had been arranged by God. You see, my dear Tuncle does not easily give himself a full day off. He drives from very early in the morning until his shift ends in the late afternoon. Of course he will force stop his shift earlier if he is really very tired and he has had a few days off here and there when we had taken short trips abroad. But in the past year, we haven't taken any long holidays. He cannot make himself tear away from the cab because of the daily rental. Even on Sundays, he will make time for Sunday Mass with us, have lunch with the family and then scoot off on his rounds again because he has no relief driver for Sundays.

Well, recently, I prayed that God would let him have enough rest because I felt that he was very tired and needed a break. Although having the accident meant a financial penalty and loss of income for that whole week, it allowed him to rest. I was doubly happy because the guy could not sit still and was doing housework instead of resting!!! He helping with the housework meant I didn't have to do as much housework! Super happy I was.

Now, he's back to driving and when I catch pockets of time to speak to him over the phone, I can hear how tired he is. I don't know how to help him. He's asked that we sleep earlier every day. I will agree except that by the time I wind down after housework, it's nearly midnight. How else can we sleep earlier? But he really has to sleep earlier than that.

I know deep down inside that he doesn't think I should ever make taxi driving a full-time job because I won't be suited to it. I told him, if I had no choice, I had no choice. He says I have so many choices how could I say I have no choice but he doesn't get what I mean. If you really had to do something to feed your family, you'd do it, whatever it is. Saying this also makes me think, maybe I should just keep up the positive attitude at my day job and shut out what the idiots are saying or doing and shut my mouth. After all, every job will have its clowns to deal with. Food for my thought.

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