20 Aug 2015

Rebounding update and diet change

I do not know how long this will last. I hope forever. I am now able to not consume rice during a meal. This is a very big deal for a person like me. In Chinese dialect, we refer to people like myself as 'Pong Tarng' or 'Perng Tarng' or 'Bee Tarng'. Which just means 'Rice Bucket'. You could just give me rice and sambal belachan for a meal and I would be most happy.

Then something happened.

In trying to change my diet for health's sake, I have been reducing my rice intake. Not to say I will not have days where I eat a full plate of rice but for most days, I will be eating little or no rice. You know how rice is a staple food in Asian meals.

Very difficult change for me but...
what happened was my body started to not yearn for rice.

Amazing. Happy.

For lunch, I was asked by the canteen rice stall aunty how I would be full eating so little rice. But she forgot that I had more than made up for it with the meat and vegetables. I have not felt hungry at all eating this way. 

For dinner, I'll just have my meat (either pork, beef, chicken or fish) and veg (optional). I've also not felt hungry. I'll wash it down with the 'detox' water which I make for the family. I don't think any of us fancy the mint so it's just down to lemons and cucumber for the moment. I also bring a jug of it into the room for drinking at night and the first thing the next morning.

I'm still rebounding! Yay! Yippee!

I asked the kids recently how they knew their father loved me. They mulled over it and said it was because he could have had so many other girls but he chose to marry the short and fat one! -__-
Also, that the rebounder was so freaking noisy but he never complains even when I jump on it for an hour!
That's me laughing my head off. Kids. Very sharp. Very truthful.
Wait, for the record, when he married me, I was short, yes BUT I was not fat. I was skinny AND so was he. Hmmmph!

Anyhow, I'm rebounding 30 minutes now without panting. I will drip sweat but I'm not really panting. I take it as a good sign.  I've been upping my routines to incorporate more intense movements for a longer time. I do relax and rebound gently but only for about 30 seconds before I do something more intense again. No rules. I just do what I feel like. That's what makes rebounding so fun! I can pretty much make up my own actions, the only rule being to NOT fall off the rebounder!

Any change in weight? NO. NIL. Not since the last time it dropped.
Is it a good sign?
I guess so because I do have days I pig out on food and yet, I haven't gained any weight. That must surely be good maintenance.

Blood pressure readings?
Systolic readings aren't so high. They've in fact fallen to surprising readings.
Diastolic not so good. Although reduced, it's not low enough to make me happy.

Well, at least I have gotten off my butt to do something about my health. I'm still eating healthily and not on a strict diet. I'm still on my KOK (Kopi-O-Kosong) journey and hopefully, somewhere down the road, I will be able to say I have arrived at my destination!

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