13 Aug 2015

Hubby rebounding!

Look who finally got on the rebounder?

Don't even think of using this pic of my hubby's feet without permission!
Copyright Fiona C Yeo (2015)
Hubs and I had a quiet steak dinner at home and then we hurriedly completed some household chores before retiring to our room. He did his usual surfing (on the bed!) while I hopped on my trusty rebounder. By the way, I should mention that before every rebounding session, I will lift up the rebounder to tighten all the legs. The legs are screw in type so there is always a chance they may come loose after any session. I don't really fancy falling off the rebounder accidentally and hitting my teeth against any of the sharp corners in our room. Fortunately our bedroom is big enough to even fit this piece of equipment in but should I fall, I will definitely be hitting some furniture with sharp edges.
So hubs retired to bed to relax via watching youtube videos while I did my routine. I decided to try 20 mins of intense workout this time. I have to say, I woke up this morning very tired. I mean, 20 minutes of non-stop jumping jacks. Bluek. It must be good for my body but mentally, I woke up spent and not energised. Could be that my body is not used to having such an intense routine. Instead of giving up, I will give it a go again tonight. The reason I want to try out a short but intense routine is, I hardly think I can keep up an hour long session and I may just give up in the long run. This is an exercise routine I hope to carry on doing for a long time so I think setting aside 20 minutes would stand a better chance than to set aside 30, 40 or 60 minutes. I'll keep the lengthier routines for days non-work days like I mentioned before.
I surprised myself. I was actually able to keep up star jumping and jumping jacks non-stop for 20 minutes. You go try it and let me know if it is a mean feat! I decided not to push myself further than that because I was waiting for hubs to fulfil his promise to me to step on the rebounder for 2 to 3 minutes. Well, well, well! He DID and not only for 2 to 3 minutes. I think he did 10 minutes BUT he did get off it and plopped straight onto the bed exhausted. So I stepped back on it and bounced a little just for fun (because rebounding IS so fun!) and asked if he wanted to to carry on. He declined. Hehe.
I encouraged him to not give up and to push himself a little further the next day. He agreed. Well, let's see how that pans out. It's a good start anyway.
We decided to not talk about the accident. What's been done, has been done, right? The cab's in the workshop, he'll have to foot the bill of the repair according to the excess payment required according to his taxi company's insurer. We don't EVER know if any accident will be the last before the taxi company lets you go. This is the risk ALL taxi drivers have to take. So we just lifted it up to God to take care of it for us. We decided it was beyond our control but taking care of our body is within OUR control so we might as well just spend our time and energy doing that instead!
Before we fell asleep, we were snuggling in each other's arms. Hubs hugged and thanked me for my support and told me he loved me. He didn't need to explain to me the context of what that meant (I don't mean the loving me part lah; we say that to each other every day) but I knew he meant the accident and not nagging him about it. I kissed him all over his face and asked him if he felt compelled to call me once he had the accident. He said YES he called me immediately because he wanted to get the scolding over and done with! Haha. Indeed.


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