27 Aug 2015

Coffee Withdrawal Symptoms (Day 1 to 3)

My KOK journey might never be completed. It's not that I am done with trying to change my lifestyle for the better, it's that I may be going off Kopi-O-Kosong forever. In fact, I may be going off coffee in any style forever.

Day 1
I have been having the MOTHER of all headaches for 2 days now and I did not see this coming. I accidentally went off my morning coffee 3 days ago because I had drunk a full cup of lemon detox water immediately when I woke up and was filling quite full. I decided I would skip and my morning cuppa and left for work. At lunch, I was still very alert so I thought, hey, if my lemon water is better for me, I should just skip coffee at lunch altogether. I made it through the night with no issues and no side effects. In fact, I started a new routine using wrist waists and felt really good that I had broken out into a sweat just after 10 minutes of rebounding.

Day 2
The next day went uneventfully through lunch. I did notice however, that I was constipated. It was erm, less than usual. At around 3pm, as I was sitting at my office desk, a terrible headache suddenly started. I am not prone to having headaches. The only time I ever get one is when I am having a runny nose and the sinuses are blocked (stuffy nose). That's the only time I may get a headache. So I sat at my desk feeling terrible. The pain seemed to be at my temples yet was not exactly at the side. It was like IN my eyes. Behind my eyes to be more accurate. The pain was excruciating. I went to the toilet and tried to throw up, thinking that perhaps it was something I had eaten at lunch that was making me feel sick (sliced fish soup with no milk and no rice/no noodles - healthy right?). I did eventually throw up and I expected the headache to subside but it didn't.

When I got home, I plopped down on the bed and begged hubs to help me microwave the left over food (because he had bought tonnes of food home the night before). When he called me to the table, I looked at the food, I felt like I wanted to just eat vegetables. (Yikes! What's happening to me?). Washed some romaine lettuce and drizzled some seasoning over it but still, I picked at my food. After dinner, I poured us some coconut water and I felt better after that. Went to lie down really early and hubs joined me. He made fun at me and asked me to get on the rebounder. I was like, no thanks. I'll skip it for today! My body was trying to tell me something!

It dawned on me that I could be suffering coffee withdrawal symptoms so I did some nosing online and surprise, surprise, the symptoms match mine. Anyway, hubs and I were ready to sleep and when hubs asked me for the time, we were both surprised that it was only 11pm.

Day 3
So, I had skipped exercising on Day 2. I just couldn't handle it with the headache and felt my body was calling for some rest. I woke up on Day 3 feeling sleepy. Not refreshed, not sick either but there is a lingering heaviness in the head. Like an ache in the head instead of a headache! I read that some people take many, many days to get over coffee. I have not been a coffee drinker for long. For the longest time, I was a tea drinker (English tea / Green tea). In fact, for many years, I used to just drink plain water in the morning. Then because it was easier to just pour an instant packet of 3-in-1 coffee into my breakfast cup then to yank a teabag in and out of hot water and add sugar to it, I went along with the 3-in-1 coffee. Also, it was always nice to sit with hubs and have a cup of coffee with him because he'd always ask me to make him an evening cuppa. I really hadn't realised that I had become reliant on caffeine. I did realise that I never used to drink coffee because I could not sleep at night but of late, I was able to sleep, despite drinking coffee. See how the body adapts?

Coffee withdrawal symptoms so far:
Headache (at the temple, behind the eyes!)
Sleepiness (need more sleep despite sleeping early)
Stuffy nose (like an allergic reaction more than a cold)
Constipation (yes, I am STILL waiting for the big one! Muaahahaha)

Will I be giving up my KOK journey? Yes. I shall go back to having my tea when the occasion calls for coffee but otherwise, I'm happy to stick to plain water or my lemon detox water. Why would I want to continue to abuse my body if I know it isn't doing it good? I have to stick with this and just ride out the withdrawal symptoms.

In another post, I will blog about the side effects of the new and exciting lifestyle changes I have made. Meanwhile, I need to ride this day out. The weekend cannot come sooner.

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