14 Aug 2015

Rebounding for health - update

This has never happened to me before.

At lunch, I left this amount of rice uneaten on my plate.
It's deplorable that I could even think of wasting food. But I had piled my plate high with 1 meat and 2 veg side dishes. I had even asked for 'lesser rice' and still I couldn't make myself finish this. I look at it as a good sign. This SHOULD be a lifestyle change. Not the fact that I will start to waste food but that my rice intake will decrease.

I reached home deadbeat after work last night and since it was a 'free night' for me; free being I didn't have to cook for anyone because everyone was out, I lay on my bed (much to the disappointment of my dog who had been anticipating a walk) and fell asleep! Woke up at 9pm and walked the dog. I could have easily fallen back to sleep but dragged myself onto the rebounder. Once I started the gentle bouncing and put on KC and Jojo's "All my life", I felt energised! Pushed through a 25 minute high intensity routine and was just finishing up when hubs walked in. I encouraged him to NOT lie down on the bed but to get on the rebounder and he did! I replayed the song (I don't know why but that song just makes a person want to get up and go, go go!) and he managed to rebound through it. He did however complain halfway that the song was taking too long to end! Haha. As he'd had a long day, I was just glad that he'd made an effort to get his heart pumping, however short the routine was. Something is better than nothing.

Took my bath and went to the kitchen to whip up a late dinner. I know I shouldn't have been eating at 11pm but I hadn't taken dinner and didn't want to crash and stuff myself sick at lunch the next day (because I would be starving by then). I do not have a habit of skipping lunch or dinner. Hubs had bought APOM (did I spell this Indian pancake thingy correctly?) but I chose instead to stir-fry some salsa I had made (which I had kept refridgerated) with some mushrooms and onions. I ate a mountain of it but didn't feel bad about it (yet). I did wake up this morning feeling that the food had not digested very well and had been stuck in my gut for a very long time. This is probably due to the fact that I had gone to sleep too soon after that meal.

I woke this morning and didn't feel the aches and pain that I had felt the morning after my first intense workout! I don't feel tired but I don't feel energised. I do feel like I did a lot of work yesterday (you know, like how you feel the next day after you have cooked for an army the day before?) but I shall not give up and will keep pushing myself to try the short but intense routines this whole weekend, to get my body used to it. I need to know what works best for me. Is it long and comfortable rebounding routines or short, intense rebounding routines?

Morning after a 25 minute intense rebounding routine.
Copyright Fiona C Yeo (2015)
I am trying to see if my face has slimmed down in any way. I cannot see a difference. My double chin is clearly still hanging around. I do know I do not feel bloated so that is a good thing. I thought I saw a flatter stomach last night but without asking him, hubs actually commented that he saw no difference in my tummy! Wah liao!!! (that sort of means 'WHAT THE HECK!' in Hokkien, a Chinese dialect but emphasizes how shockingly pissed you are with the situation).
I know my tummy is usually bloated after a full meal of rice but last night, because I hadn't taken dinner before rebounding, I had noticed that it wasn't as bloated like usual. I also thought that my butt has reduced considerably but I have an old pair of pants and well, that particular pair of pants has NOT been slipping off my butt. Maybe because it is a tight fit at the butt area (clings to the butt) but maybe because I really have not reduced in that area at all. I'd like to think that I have melted fats but replaced it with muscle. One can hope, right?
It is disheartening when I step on the scales. Since the last time it moved downwards, it has not budged. I should be happy that it also means that it has not moved upwards but still, it is disheartening. Hubs asked me how long before I reach my 1st goal (the specifics I shall keep between him and myself but I had set a small and feasible goal first)? I told him this was not just about losing the weight but about changing my lifestyle and hopefully sticking to it for life. If I was just aiming to lose weight, I would have junked the exercise and just dieted. That would have guaranteed a weight loss but that's not what I am really aiming for although I would be happier if I actually see a substantial weight loss.
When you read and if you happen to be some fitness guru or dietary expert, you will probably think I am talking crap. Why is this girl obsessed with the weighing scale? That's just wrong! Right. If I don't move the scale readings downwards, my BMI isn't going to do well at my next medical appointment. My self-esteem will also take a beating. I am just journaling my journey in trying to change my lifestyle which includes incorporating exercise and better eating habits into my life. I am no expert. I have my ups and downs and I will journal this because I am not perfect and hope that someone who is also not perfect, will be motivated, knowing he or she is not alone. Hopefully, I will turn out to be a success story one day down the road. The worst case scenario is you will be reading future posts on how I had given up and turned back to my old ways, fats and all. I don't know. I only know that this is primarily for the sake of my health, without which, this blog will not even exist. Nor will I.
Hubs has always told me that the fastest way for a person to lose weight is when they fall very sick. I agree. We have all seen it, to our friends, to our family, to people we know or might not have known. CHOY!! (that's sort of a Cantonese exclamation for "Good riddance to bad rubbish!"). I don't want to wait till that happens. Being slim does not guarantee good health but the least I can do for myself is to keep a healthy lifestyle. The rest, I leave to God.

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