28 Aug 2015

Coffee Withdrawal Symptoms (Day 4)

Day 3 (How it ended)
The headache was still there when I left the office. Decided to pray and sing in tongues. It helped a lot and I felt so much better.

I reached home and told hubs I was still having the headache although it felt better than the day before. He advised me to take a nap and I did. I just plonked on the bed and fell asleep. I woke up about 2 hours later to go for dinner with him and decided that perhaps it wasn't just caffeine my body was yearning for, it could have been carbs.

All I wanted to eat was veg but I decided to eat carbs instead to see if it would help my headache. I couldn't think of any dish that would appease my palate except perhaps mee pok dry (dry flat noodles) or a Korean stir fry. The Kopitiam near our place does not sell nice mee pok so I ordered the Korean hotplate chicken and beef for hubs and I to share. It was super yummy and I did not have an issue finishing up my rice and a bit of his (because hubs is not much of a rice eater).

Went back home and munched on some Famous Amos cookies we had bought (naughty, naughty me, I know). While I was munching on the cookies, I told hubs I'd take another day of rest from rebounding because I think my body needed the rest. He agreed.

When I retired to the bedroom, I decided, heck! I NEEDED to rebound. I needed to feel good and alive instead of so dang tired and sick because of the headache. So I did. Hubs was quite surprised to find me on the rebounder when he entered the room later. No regrets. Although my head did feel weirdly heavy when I was doing my jumping jacks on the rebounder, I felt so much better after the whole routine. I even offered to give hubs a lymphatic massage after I had taken my bath!

Day 4
It's Day 4 that I'm off coffee.
I woke up early in the morning to take a leak and the first thing that hit me was a blinding pain at my temples, near my eyes, inside my eyes. Darn! I cannot even pin point the pain. I prayed in tongues and went back to bed. I must say, I did not feel like waking up later. I felt really sleepy.

It's not too bad today. It's not like a perpetual pain. It's a light ache and it's there but not so noticeable at times when I am not thinking about it. For some funny reason, the headache gets worse when I cross my legs while sitting at the table!!! Maybe my body is twisted up inside from all the times I have sprained my ankle. Oh yes, miraculously, my sprained ankle has all but straightened itself out. I can still feel it wobbly on very rare occasions but generally, I am back in heels! No pain!

So getting this headache made me wonder, is it caffeine or carbs that my body is yearning for? I really don't think it's carbs seeing as I have fed myself with regular portions of rice both yesterday and today. I do think it's the coffee and I'm not going to test it by drinking some. Nope. I'm going cold turkey. I'm already in the 4th day. Why ruin it? I'm looking forward to the day I wake up to no headache!

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