12 Aug 2015

Rebounding on a sprained ankle (and road accident)

I managed 30 minutes on the rebounder last night and could have carried on but for the fact I had other chores to complete. Let's just say, even with 1 kid (already officially an adult) and 1 not far away from being one, there are still things to be done as a mum! I actually intensified my moves last night as I was feeling energetic. However, hubs started snacking on some salted kachang (nuts) and muruku. That was my downfall. I felt sick after eating the snacks and I was actually pleased with that! It means that my body is rejecting these unhealthy snacks. If I don't feel good after eating them, I won't be looking forward to eating them again. That is a good thing, right? Maybe I will really end up yearning for carrot and celery sticks some day. Sorry, my point is, I exercised then snacked. Sounds shitty, right? What a blardy waste of my time. I was fed up with myself!

I'll end this post with rebounding again but meanwhile...
Sometimes, I don't really feel like writing bad things. I want to stay positive but that's not really telling the truth. Bad things do happen to decent people. If I am just saying BE HAPPY, STAY HAPPY, EVERYTHING IS HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY, I would be lying. Everyone has bad days.

Today is a bad day. The other half has been involved in a road accident. Thankfully, no injured parties. The road was wet. Accidents happen to the best of us. Perils of being on the road for long hours. Your risk increases. Pissed as we both may be, it's part and parcel of life. We just have to deal with it and count our blessings amidst the disruption.

No driving means no income. No income means I am the lone income. Being the lone income means I cannot think about me, myself and I and how I feel like I am drowning in a cesspool sometimes at work. I just have to do it. I AM trying my best to stay positive but you know, truth be told, like the gazillions of other Singaporeans, I wish I could just strike the top prize in Toto or Big Sweep and not have to work any more! Yes, I do buy lottery tickets and I am not shy to say it.

Do not ever take for granted the lovely sunrise or breath of fresh air you get to enjoy as you walk about leisurely in the morning. I have not done that in ages because my mornings are always about rushing to work. If I am not rushing to work, I am desperately trying to catch up on sleep. Yes, I know I am not alone and probably 90% of our tiny nation does that. I may be able to walk in the evenings, you may think. Yes, in fact, I need to walk our dog but I am usually too dead tired to stop and smell anything but dog poo.

I yearn for the luxury of doing nothing. No, I do not wish to be jobless and worrying about the bills. I yearn to be able to not work and yet be able to live comfortably, lah. But I cannot think about me. No, I cannot think about me. I have to think of others first. It sucks some times you know. But I am always reminded that as Christians, we're not made to just have a picture perfect life. That would be life in Heaven. Life on earth is about sacrifices. Life is a journey and not the end result. We need to see the beauty through the pain, smell the fresh air through the pissy odour, to see the light through the darkness. Sometimes, we spend our whole lives grasping for glimpses of these ethereal moments and sometimes, we see it in everything and every moment. Which mindset do YOU have? I straddle and struggle between being both.

When hubs called me early in the morning, I immediately stoically asked, "What happened?"
His reply was, "Sorry, lah, Darl".
My heart sank. I knew it. I just knew it.
He wasn't really apologising to me like I was the taxi company and owned the cab but we understood each other. He was sorry for the inconvenience caused to our lives and probably the damage done to our bank account. He was sorry because his nagger of a wife had said everything before that needed to be said.

First phone call: I tried not to sound upset. I knew he was already upset.
Second phone call: I was upset. I gave him an earful.
Third phone call: I'd calmed down and advised him to take this lull time (while the cab gets repaired) to rethink and realign his life and priorities.
Fourth phone call: he told me where he was headed.
Fifth phone call: he would probably have to spend the rest of the day reporting the accident.

Thereafter, I struggled as I said my morning prayers. I wanted to know WHY? WHY? WHY?
The Holy Spirit gave me an answer and I understood why. It is enough for me.

Out of respect, I am not going to repeat what the answer was to me.
So I am trying to stay upbeat. It's only money, right? Damaged vehicles can be repaired and replaced. Lives cannot.

In the end, I am glad that in moments of trouble, Mike turns to is me. He may come across as cool and manly most times. A man of few words. Listens to no one but himself. Stubborn as a mule or worse. But he knows and I know that he always comes running to me when it comes to the crunch. I know he doesn't like to hear my nagging and he thinks I am an*l about some matters but in the end, he knows I am effective. BAH!

Back to rebounding:
The hardest part with this rebounding routine is to actually carve out the time to do it. Rebounding itself is not difficult. I feel strongly that rebounding with my sprained ankle has actually helped my ankle to straighten itself out faster. I am amazed by the fact that I was able to rebound with my injured ankle and that the pain has eased somewhat (although it is still there).  I am able to turn my ankle more without feeling the pain. I'm not sure how to explain this but I actually look forward to rebounding. Last night as I was jumping, it brought back memories of me jumping on my parents' bed as a kid!

One good thing. In our phone conversation this morning after the accident, I continued what I had talked to him last night before we went to bed, about changing his lifestyle for health's sake. He agreed that he would start rebounding today. That is a start. At least a shred of silver lining in this very dark and gloomy day.

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