25 Jul 2012

Happy Birthday to Me & weight loss update (25 July 2012)

Happy 44th Birthday to me! (last week, that is).
See, you know my age. What's there to hide?

Kids surprised me with the small birthday cake.
Small because the both of them and myself, we don't like cakes much.
Not that we won't eat them but just a small slice each will suffice.

Birthday girl (ok lah, not 'girl' but middle aged woman) with her fractured toes (spot the bandage on my right foot).

No, I didn't get the fracture from kicking anyone. Nothing dramatic. Something heavy landed on my right foot. Ouch, alright. After a week or so, it still hurts when touched. It seems they can't plaster my toes like they do with broken limbs. Instead, I'm advised to buddy splint the last two toes together. Not supposed to put pressure on them. I was advised to use crutches but have preferred not to. It's going to be a long two months or so before I slip on my heels again. Grrrrrr....I feel sooooo unsexy in japanese slippers and it's as though I've to avoid a gazillion people stepping on my toes, literally.

Oh by the way, in case anyone looking at the above pic is going, aiyoh, so fat, why post pictures of herself? Go fly a kite. I'm not pencil thin, yes. I'm overweight, yes. I have a spare tyre/tire in the midriff but (you the critic, yes you, still go fly a kite) I'm not grossly fat and I'm grateful to God for my body, fats and all.

I don't deny it. I AM trying to lose weight because I have some alarm bells ringing in terms of doctors' warnings so I'm working at bringing the weight down. Meanwhile, not to sound rude (and if I am, too bad) but I'm not some sweet, young, THIN blogger (nothing wrong with sweet, young, thin bloggers but still go fly a kite again). I'm a middle aged mother of two who works full-time and I rarely have time for myself. I try not to let myself look like something the cat brought in but I don't have the time or resources to prim too much.

And NOW that I've gone and fractured two toes, I don't see myself running up and down stairs OR running anywhere. I've got two months to lose some weight before my next medical check up so I've to think of other alternatives. Patting myself on the back. I've managed to maintain my weight loss of 4 kgs, at the end of the day even after 3 proper meals. So that's encouraging. Have been trying to eat less rice and meat and gulp more veg instead. Urgh! After years of rice and meat eating, it's tough. 

Can't resist Hainanese Chicken Rice though. I'm favouring red meats less and less so that's a good sign. Also, I've cut down my sugar and salt intake and I now find some food stalls serving dishes too salty (where I used to like them the way they were). So my salt and sugar tolerance has diminished. All good signs. Except for my blood pressure. It is escalating. Pray for me (those people who pray at all), please pray that I won't ever have to take HBP meds. They are for life and I am praying for a healing.
Actually, that's something I want to mention. I thank God that my toes got hurt and I was forced to go have them x-rayed. It was a blessing in disguise. We have the BP monitor at home but I've not taken my reading for some time. It was while I'd gone to get my foot checked that the doc and nurses mentioned that my blood pressure was on the 'high' side. I have a family history of high blood pressure but mine has in the past been normal. How ironic that I should start to lose weight and then discover that my BP's increasing. I know, I know, skinny people can have HBP too. But you know what I mean. It's such a let down.

I just hope and pray that I don't suddenly get stricken with a stroke. It's the last thing I need right now. By the way, the Life in the Spirit Seminar has started again this year. It's still not too late to join it next Monday. If you're interested, let me know. I've written about it before. Life changing, it is.

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