29 Jul 2011

Working Mother's Mixed Chow - Batang Steak / Sliced Pork / Kangkong

So after Monday night's Laksa, Tuesday night was a no-go in terms of cooking. Both kids were eating out after staying back late in school and I was too tired from unpacking stuff over at my new office so hubs and I decided to walk over to a nearby Bak Kut Teh restaurant to have what else....Bak Kut Teh (Pork Rib Soup), Ter Kah (Pig's Trotters) and Mei Cai (a salted veg condiment). Deeeelicious!

Got home on Wednesday evening to find that hubs had already fried eggs and corned beef (for his own benefit, I might add).

In addition, I cooked:

Batang Steak with chilli and onions

Batang (fish) steak, pan seared with a motherload of onions and cut chilli and a dash of lemon : )
Mmmmm....yummy, even if I do say so myself. I'd rate it a 7/10 (I know what you are thinking. The gall of this woman, rating her own cooking. FYI, who cares? This is my blog and I'm the one who cooked it and ate it. I'm the one who knows if or not I had food poisoning after the dish. I can rate my own cooking if I wish to, thank you! HAHA)


Pork and sliced potatoes soaked in HP sauce. Tasted pretty good. Self-rating 5/10.

Then, though I knew we already had enough, I took a look at my refridgerator's bunch of wilting Kangkong and knew I had to cook it that night or junk it.

Also, I thought that my daughter might appreciate coming home to a dish of Chilli Kangkong since it's one of her favourites. It looks a bit too watery. I still can't quite get it right (just like zhi-char restaurants) but this time round, the taste was nearly there. Why is it so watery when I cook it at home? I don't even add water. Is it because I actually wash my kangkong and restaurants don't???!!! Of course, I had to make do with whatever bottled chilli I could find at home and well, it's a working mother's no frills Chilli Kangkong. What else does anyone expect? : )

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