26 Jul 2011

Working Mother's No-Frills Laksa

I'm not a good cook but you can't fault me for trying. I actually enjoy cooking. Having to work in the day, I usually have to rush home to cook dinner. It's usually a mad rush, giving myself only half an hour from the time I step foot back home, to the time I serve the dinner. I do find it therapeutic though, even if it's usually 10pm before I wipe and place the last dinner plate back onto the kitchen shelves!

Here's Monday night's No-Frills Laksa cooked by yours truly.

No frills because no 'hum' (cockles), no laksa sambal, no laksa leaves, no shelled prawns (used frozen peeled prawns) and didn't even have the time to pluck the bean sprout tails. Ha ha. We're still alive today, no? And NO STOMACH UPSET. ha ha ha ha.....

Just 2 packets of A1 Laksa mix (Prima is better in my humble opinion), some coconut milk, lots of tah-pok, yong-tauhu mix and tah dah. No frills. Finished in half and hour.

I'd rate it a 3/10. Blah. A bit on the diluted side. Ooops.
(You don't see the yong tahu cos this is a 'posed' photo. I'd totally forgotten to take a pic of my actual servings and only thought to do so when I was washing up. By then, I'd already run out of yong tahu so just plonked whatever I had left and took a pic. Not too bad looking, even if I do say so myself. LOL).

Wondering what to cook tonight, though.....sigh.

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