2 Mar 2010

PCOS update (Mar 2010)

If you recall, I'd written before about having been diagnosed with having PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome). Don't worry, it's nothing you can catch from me. To put it simply, I have ovaries with multiple cysts. No medical person has told me to remove them yet. I'm told to just leave them alone if they aren't causing me any discomfort. Discomfort in what sense actually? I think the biggest discomfort is in seeing my waist expand. I've always been the proud owner of a 23" or 24" waist, even when my hips and thighs were thunderous. But alas, that's gone with the wind now.

You can read more about it from my previous posts under the label 'PCOS'

Anyway, at my recent visit to KKH, the doctor (the VERY young and handsome one I may add) told me (after waiting nearly 2 hours past my appointment time) that I may be having sugar control problems. Not everyone with PCOS will face the same problems or have the same symptoms. For example, I have no hair loss or hair overgrowth. I am not depressed. I don't have any 'real' problems except for my growing midriff. I'm set to take more tests in the upcoming months so meanwhile, I'm trying to do what I can to make this problem better.

I'm no doctor but I figured, if I'm having sugar control issues, then I must be facing insulin resistance. So if I can get around this insulin resistance, I'd be home free and my waist will go right down to 24" again. Right? (say yes, please).

Simplistically put, my pancreas (what? what's dat?) isn't producing as much insulin (what? what's dat again?) as I need to bring the glorious food (carbos, sugar) I put into my body to the correct body cells. If I had enough insulin, then the makan (colloquial term for food) would have been transported by the insulin to those cells (fat, liver, muscle cells) to be converted into energy. Roughly, I think it goes like this. Well, read this with a pinch of salt. I was never a good science student.

It's so UNFAIR!!! I don't even snack (much)! Truly! I eat a decent muesli bar and drink plain water for breakfast. Yes, plain water. I went from Coffee to Tea to Green Tea to Orange Juice to Plain Water. That took some years but yes, I'm down to plain water now.
For lunch, whatever I can lay my hands on at the food court (during office lunch hour) and for dinner, whatever my domestic helper cooks (which is delicious for the most part and NOT unhealthy).

Do I eat second helpings? Hardly, usually only during festivities where I feel it's being a total wet blanket to not eat MORE! Ok, ok, also when there's plenty of rice, belachan (shrimp paste chilli) or spicy chicken going around. Overall, I'm a pretty decent eater. Yet, I'm overweight.

So, to get back to the sugar control issue. I need to watch my diet seriously, especially my carbo intake. I don't want to faint so I'm not dieting drastically. Nor am I watching my diet just to be slim. I want to watch my diet because I don't want to be any sicker than my hormones are already making me. I don't want to feel bloated all the time.

Wikipedia says that the following are symptoms of Insulin Resistance (note it's Insulin Resistance I'm talking here, not PCOS symptoms):

Fatigue (yep - definitely happening to me).

Brain fogginess and inability to focus. Sometimes the fatigue is physical, but often it is mental (yep - seems to be getting worse).

High blood sugar (I won't know yet the results of more comprehensive tests I'm to take soon but my basic polyclinic test showed up ok).

Intestinal bloating. Most intestinal gas is produced from carbohydrates in the diet. Insulin resistance sufferers who eat carbohydrates sometimes suffer from gas (definitely a yes - I feel very bloated after a meal with rice and my kids will tell you to run a hundred miles away from Mother when THAT happens).

Sleepiness. Many people with insulin resistance get sleepy immediately after eating a meal containing more than 20% or 30% carbohydrates (well, not really, except on lazy Sunday afternoons).

Weight gain, fat storage, difficulty losing weight. For most people, too much weight is too much fat. The fat in IR (wat's dat???Integrated Resorts issit?) is generally stored in and around abdominal organs in both males and females. It is currently suspected that hormonal effects from such fat are a precipitating cause of insulin resistance (need I say more?).

Increased blood triglyceride levels (waaaat???).

Increased blood pressure. Many people with hypertension are either diabetic or pre-diabetic and have elevated insulin levels due to insulin resistance. One of insulin's effects is on arterial walls throughout the body (it went up for a short period but it's in the normal range for now...I think).

Depression. Because of the deranged metabolism resulting from insulin resistance, psychological effects are not uncommon. Depression is said to be the prevalent psychological symptom (not really but there are down days and which woman with hormones hasn't yet had this?).

Acanthosis nigricans (huh??? you speaka englisha?).

My next visit to the hospital will require me to take a more thorough blood test to see if I have diabetes. I don't have it running in my family but that does not mean I can't get it. I'm doing what I can to cut down on sugars and carbos. I can live without sugary drinks but I can't live without rice so that's a real punishment considering. But if I want to slim down this midriff tire, I'll have to do what it takes.

Meanwhile, I have to live with friends and relatives asking me why I have put on so much weight. How do I explain all the above without sounding rude? Ok, how about 'because I like to'?

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