25 Mar 2014

Prompting for husband

I seldom post twice in a single day. But I'd better do this now before I forget.

I received a prompting for my husband yesterday evening. I told it to him. It did not 'work' on him. Without divulging too much, he refused to budge. So after dinner, on the way to our Charismatic meeting, we had a conversation (okay, I was the one talking as usual), I was trying to explain to him why I felt he needed to do something. I felt strongly that the Lord was expecting him to do it. My man still refused to budge. Suffice to say, I was quite exasperated by the time we reached the meeting.

Yesterday's meeting turned out to be a Thanksgiving Mass. Even I cannot believe how the Lord works. The first and second readings. The homily. They were all reiterating the whole conversation I had with my man in the car to church and they were reinforcing my explanation to him! 

It was like the words were speaking to Mike and myself! Okay, I also kept poking him in the ribs. I know he still sat there arms akimbo with his head shaking and lips pursed but I know my man. He won't admit it but I think he sometimes wonders about me.

I am afraid, I too do not know what I am up to. I can only say that the more you open your heart to God's goodness like a child, the more wonders He will work in your life. All Glory to God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

By the way, my man finally relented last night (probably just to get me off his back) but we will see how it works out.

Missing MAS Flight MH370 declared in Indian Ocean

On 24 March 2014, MAS Flight MH370 has been declared by the Malaysian Government to have gone missing in the Indian Ocean. They seem absolutely certain. Well, certain enough to make an official statement. Is it possible they will retract it tomorrow because the evidence is 'unverified'?

I do not know what other evidence they have based it on but to explain simply, the Inmarsat Satellite pings received from the missing MAS plane MH370 were studied. The angle in which the pings were received were then used to determine the supposed flight path it took after it had already fallen off the official radar.

Indian Ocean. Not a big surprise to me, given that I had received that prompting on 11 March 2014 while praying. I'm not sure I'm even glad that the prompted words of 'Indian Ocean' matched the 'official declaration' of yesterday.

I don't know.... I keep telling my husband that I half expect someone to walk out of a tropical jungle. He stared at me like I was nuts. But then again, he is quite used to this. That is probably the human side of me subconsciously and desperately wanting there to be survivors. Why did I not feel water? Why did I feel land? Plants? Heat? Did they fly very low across a tropical forest off the West of Sumatra before they hit the water in the Indian Ocean? Darn! Just to shut some incompetent morons up, I really wish a survivor would live to tell the tale!

Being in the Indian Ocean is not far fetched because the prompting I received clearly mentioned 'INDIAN OCEAN' when they had only started searching the South-China Sea. Remember I said I did not 'feel' any urgency to do anything after this personal revelation? On hindsight, perhaps it was because it was already too late.

It took some state-of-the-art technology with 'never before used' 'data analysis' for them to conclude that they were 'absolutely certain' that plane was somewhere in the Indian Ocean. It took me only a question in prayer (All Glory goes to God). O, we who think ourselves so mighty. Who then is really in charge of our lives?

To the loved ones left behind, what can I say? Take heart that this world we live in is but a temporary abode.

To those missing, I'm so so sorry. We humans are an arrogant lot. We think so highly of ourselves. Our intelligence, our technology, our assets, our status, our power! The list is endless. But we can still find you not. But I can tell you this. The Lord knew all along where you were.

19 Mar 2014

Still missing the missing MAS plane MH370

I cannot and will not use the Lord's name in vain. This is especially so in regard to such a serious issue. I have no discernment if what I heard was from who I was speaking to but on 11 March 2014, I was praying and talking to the Lord (as usual) as I was driving home. I had finished singing and praying a decade of the rosary. I implored the Lord for His help in locating the plane. I asked Him where it was. I was prompted with the words Sumatra and Indian Ocean. (This is before the Malaysian authorities mentioned the relocation of the search from the South-China Sea to that part of the world). When I was prompted with those words, my first reaction was 'What? But Lord! The Indian Ocean is on the other side!'. Then I said, 'Lord. I am a nobody. What am I supposed to do with this information?' I was prompted that I was to do what I could do but I felt that it was not my position to 'push' it. There is a reason why everything has happened the way it has and with tens of thousands (if not hundreds of thousands) of people praying, it cannot be that if the Lord willed it, we would not be able to locate the plane or wreckage (God forbid) by now. We therefore have to be patient and also understand that we do not comprehend everything that occurs nor are we expected to comprehend everything.

Let me repeat at this point, I represent no one and no particular church group when describing this. I am speaking about my experience for myself only. I have a childlike attitude towards the goodness of God and I always feel that that Lord Jesus loves and watches over me unceasingly. This does not mean that He doesn't love anyone else and it doesn't mean that He loves me more. I just love being childlike with Him. It's difficult, given in reality, I am a cynical adult.

I am not a fortune teller nor am I clairvoyant (as yet, I think). I do not dabble in the occult. I just love God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit and Mother Mary, all the Angels and Saints. I've just come to love and appreciate my guardian angel. I gravitate towards Saint Anthony, Saint Padre Pio and Saint Therese of Liseux (not that the other Saints are less important!). I cry when I think of the sacrifices Jesus and Mary and Joseph made for us. I just know that I talk to the Lord and hear promptings. I never asked anyone else to discern this particular prompting because the human side of me does not enjoy being mocked. So I cannot technically confirm the 'source' of the prompting. That would be reckless of me. 

I could eventually be proven wrong. I don't really care, as long as they find the plane. It's not like I am some money making fortune teller who is worried that if I make a prediction that doesn't turn out to be true, I will lose customers! I also need to say that I did not receive any promptings (perhaps because I did not ask) about the reason for this incident. But I feel it so strongly in me that it will not remain a mystery.

I'm probably making a fool out of myself. I feel the ocean but the plane is not in the water. It is on land.. I feel heat. I feel plants. It is REMOTE. I could be feeling everything wrong. But what have we to lose? We have already lost 239 humans on a large plane! I am a nobody but God willing, if anyone who can make a difference happens to read this. Please search the area WEST of SUMATRA. Please God, please.

My husband wonders why I am so obsessed with having this plane found. Interesting question. I told him well because there was a boy on board who had studied in Singapore for 4 years prior. He was a year older than our son and a year younger than our daughter! He went through our gruelling education system and he was on a well-deserved break with his parents after just receiving his GCE 'A' Level results! He had probably been separated from his parents all those years. My heart goes out to him. 

Then I thought about it further. That's not the only reason. The real reason is because I received that prompting about Sumatra and the Indian Ocean when the authorities were still searching the South-China Sea. Yes. That's the reason. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that they would do an about turn and start searching in the opposite direction. I do not mind putting all of this in writing and making a fool out of myself. As long as the plane gets found and there is some closure for the loved ones waiting. 

Lord Jesus, please help. Mother Mary, please intercede. All the Angels and Saints, please intercede with your prayers. Thank you. Amen.

14 Mar 2014

Missing MAS Plane MH370

Malaysian Airlines (MAS) plane MH370 fell off the radar on 8 March 2014 and todate, is still missing.
I've felt so helpless and upset since I learnt of the missing plane on the Saturday morning of 8 March. Why? Because of the proximity, any one of us could have been on that flight to Beijing. Because at the age of my kids, they are now capable of travelling on their own. Because of the circus-like handling at press conferences, I feel even more empathy for the loved ones clinging to the thinnest thread of hope. 

No one doubts this is a very difficult situation for any government to handle. But by now, by their own doing, no one doubts 'their' incompetence or lack of PR skills either.

This is probably the dumbest thing I've ever written on this blog but this is my take on where the plane is. I told it to my husband and son on 11 March 2014 and they of course reacted with disbelief (at how crazy I can be). Like the hundreds and thousands of busybody armchair, online, warriors, my take on the missing plane is:

In the direction of  "Sumatra" -- > In a ravine near a remote coast, somewhere near the Indian Ocean --> Some survivors.

Okay, laugh all you want. If some witch doctor at KLIA is allowed to tell you his take, then so shall I. At least I am not saying it is either in the air or in the ocean!

When I told that to my son on 11 March, he rolled his eyes in exasperation at me and reminded me that the 'INDIAN OCEAN' was in the opposite direction of the intended flight path. I just kept quiet. That is until today, when I learnt that U.S investigators have started searching the Indian Ocean. Keeping my fingers crossed. Please God, help.