8 Jan 2010

Vintage handbag

I've actually kept a handbag long enough for my teenage daughter to find it 'cool!' to use. Gulp.

See, Daddy lovingly bought Mummy this slingbag as a surprise gift back in the mid-90s. That was when Sogo Tampines still existed. Mummy was elated that Daddy had actually sprung a surprise gift on her without her prompting and had actually chosen the gift all by himself. But Mummy was wondering if Daddy had realised that slingbags were already making way for handcarried bags.
Mummy does recall Daddy saying, 'Ay, real leather, leh!'.
Mummy loved the bag because Daddy gave it out of love but Mummy also hated the design because the design made her look more 'teacher-like' (yes, Mummy was a teacher back then but need Daddy dig it further in?).

Did that make sense? Hubs bought me a bag which I loved and hated at the same time. I refused to throw it out because I loved the fact that it was a REAL gift from his heart. He tried to make me give it away several times (because eh he noticed I never carried it???) but I refused. I mean, how much space can a yucky black slingbag take, right?

Well, guess what? It's back in fashion (that was quick!)

Here's the black 'leather' slingbag from hubs which I've kept in immaculate condition deep in the recesses of my bag closet:

And here's a brown bag which belongs to my daughter:

Ah yes! Now you get it. Those ugly sling bags from the 80s and 90s, they've been spotted on teenage shoulders for some time now and you've noticed it too, right?

When daughter needed a black, sling bag for my 'Fine Dining / Etiquette course tomorrow', I was struggling to find her a decent black bag (because I've thrown out my decent black bags in favour of other colours).
But Daddy had a brilliant suggestion! 'Ay, how about that bag I bought you which you never used?'
Brilliant! Even I did not think of that.
Daughter was elated. 'So cool!!!'. Yes, that black bag passed the test of time. My keeping it was not in vain.
Did I mention that the black bag was needed to match daughter's new G2000 blouse and skirt which was 'on offer'? All that fashion for a compulsory course run by the school. Now you know why Mummy has to wear S$10 pasar malam clothes.

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