31 Aug 2009

PCOS update

Silly me; went and agreed to a morning doctor's appointment at KK Hospital, thinking since it'd be the earliest time slot, I'd be able to make a dash back to the office real quick. But it was not to be.

Why would they even give you an appointment time slot nearly 45 mins before the doc is ready to see you? Rushed to the hospital amidst heavy traffic then sat there waiting and waiting (ok, I had all those pregnant women to observe and those annoying little kids running around in circles in their squeaking shoes (shoes which go 'oink', 'oink' with each step) and muttering under my breath at the even more annoying parents who let their kids just run amok (a hospital mind you! a yucky, germ-filled environment in case they did not notice!)

I mean, because it was a morning appointment, I had to pass not one but two ERP gantries. Zap! Zap! With each zap, hubby's growling got louder!!!

For the uninitiated, we have in Singapore, a card reader gadget installed in each and every vehicle where you insert a cashcard (a card topped up with your bank account). Some of our major roads have gantries (especially into areas which there would be more traffic) and each time you pass under those gantries, an amount is deducted from your card automatically. Yes, we're pretty high tech. It's basically paying a toll without the employment of humans.

So anyway, I thought I had the earliest appointment but found someone seeing the doc ahead of me. The good thing is it was a different doc this time. A very sweet, young, gentle doctor who took her time to explain options to me clearly.
Without the meds, my cycles have improved but they are still not ideal.
I let her know my decision to continue discontinuing my daily meds for keeping my PCOS in check. The last time I came off the meds, I had cold sweat, palpitations and womb contractions. The doc thought it was odd since such side effects were more commonly seen during the course of the meds and not after!
(Interestingly, many people put on weight during the meds and so when I came off, I should have shed some weight right? Uh-uh. Nope, not yours truly!)

Anyhow, she's giving me a 6 month period to 'see how'. That's kind of her. She basically isn't discharging me yet since I told her I took the trouble to take a longer way via the Polyclinic route to KKH! Oh and I made it a point to schedule the next appointment for late in the day. The last appointment of the day in fact. I've been there late afternoon before and there's always a jam going into the carpark but I'll take it. It's a better option than paying ridiculous ERP charges.

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