26 Jun 2008

Trees and Art

I love trees. Especially old trees. There's something very therapeutic about doing nothing but just appreciating the grand dames and their leaves. I started noticing trees when I was a trainee teacher and the art lecturer had given us a project to draw objects using only dots. I picked an old street lamp and a large tree. That was a significant assignment for me. It was a begining of a realisation.

For the life of me, I cannot recall that lecturer's name but I do know he was the first (and only) art teacher (some Ang Moh guy) to allow me to be less shy about my art. He was appreciative and critical in a positive manner. Basically, I began appreciating what I could do. It also helped that the then Institute of Education's musty basement art room had an abundance of art supplies. I really exploded with joy back then!

I never thought I could draw, neither did my school teachers I'm guessing! I sucked at still life and model drawing. It was always praise and glory for those who could imitate the apples and pears exactly on paper. Darn, how interesting is it to be drawing vases without flowers?
For students like me, we were relegated to just trying to finish that darn piece of art assignment within the given time frame. I hated art lessons back then but I always knew I loved to draw. How conflicting was that for a kid? My art teachers never made me discover myself. So much for instilling creativity in kids!

My point is I am a late bloomer and a 'procrastinator'. What is it you've always wanted to do? We juggle studies, jobs, marriage, in-laws, parenthood, kids, bills and mortgages....it's difficult, I understand. It's all up to you.

By the way, I was thinking of trees because our new apartment is 3/4 surrounded by trees. It's wonderful to be able to look out the windows and see the beautiful greenery (and not the litter!). A neighbour went round yesterday, collecting signatures for a petition to trim the trees. We're half-hearted about that but the apartment's really dark in the day because of the trees. The neighbours a few floors above us are facing the same situation and I understand where they are coming from. I mean it's REALLY dark and we have to switch on our lights. Not a good idea to be consuming unnecessary energy. So with a heavy heart, Mike signed the petition.

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