20 May 2011

Flea Market

We ran our stall at the Changi V Flea Market last week and will be there again this Sat evening. I have some hand painted shoe designs selling for cheaper than our usual online prices. So come on down to take a look. 

Sorry, haven't been posting much lately. Been so busy at the office.....! This past week has been particularly 'interesting' at work.

Just wanted to say, kids, Mike and I had a blast at the 'Thriller Live' show at Marina Bay Sands last Sunday afternoon. Tickets didn't come cheap for a family of 4 but it was well worth the price! This was a little pre-birthday surprise from kids and I to our Michael because he really loves MJ. Not yet his birthday and I'm planning a series of small treats this whole week for my man! *wink*

We'll be running a booth on 11 June 2011 Sat at OWIS from about 7am - 2pm. 
One World International School 696 Upper Changi Road East Singapore 486826
I'm not sure if it's restricted to the school kids, staff and family. But we'll be there.

Then from 24th June (Friday) through to 26th June (Sunday), we'll be at the Singapore Expo Hall running a booth at the MegaFlea event. Look in the press for details.

Haven't tried either of the above before and not sure of how the response will be but one thing is for sure, there's never a dull moment when doing these flea markets. See you around!

12 May 2011

In Memoriam

I hold it true, whate'er befall;

I feel it, when I sorrow most;

'Tis better to have loved and lost

Than never to have loved at all.

~ "In Memoriam" Alfred Lord Tennyson 1850

I love you too

6 May 2011

7 May 2011 - POLLING DAY

No Changi Village flea market on Polling Day 7 May 2011.

The organisers cancelled it as they were worried that there'd be no customers or there'd be fewer stallholders as many would prefer to be glued to their TV sets.

I think this will be my 5th time voting and this has got to be by far, one of the most exciting elections todate. Many more Singaporeans are engaged in heated debates, debunking of truths, debunking of lies, mudslinging, exposes, whatchamicallit. Probably due also to easy access to social media on this tiny island we so proudly call home. I thought I was apathetic but I am not after all. I have thought things through and I have made my stand. You have a right to your choice as much as I have a right to mine. Just remember that when you cast that vote, it is FOR that person or party whom you think is going to make things better for you.

If you are faltering and you think that person or party you intended to vote for is actually crap but you're voting him/them anyway because you do not have a choice, I implore you to think long and hard. Cross the box of the person/ party you truly, truly believe in. Let's not cross that box just because everyone else around us is doing it.

Whatever the outcome, I truly believe that we are a blessed nation. May God continue to watch over our tiny island and may He bless us with the most suitable leaders to take care of our needs.

4 May 2011

Roller Coaster Ride with God

Last week was the worst and best week of my life.
Through it all, God never left my side. He lifted me up and held me to His bosom. I feel so loved by Him. I really do.
I used to love roller coaster rides but I thank God that when I felt like throwing up this whole ride, felt like dying, God just sat there with me, holding my hand.
He set me free with the truth, in His time.
I will never let go of His hand. Ever.