9 Oct 2015

Pants falling off - Oct - More pics

Should I be complaining? I have to give away quite a few of my existing pairs of jeans! It's not an excuse to buy any more because before I had seriously embarked on this new lifestyle, I had already bought a mountain of new clothes! I'll just have to dig up some older but tighter pairs of pants!

Pants falling off! - Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

It's Friday and I am wearing my jeans to work but it's falling off my hips. I thought my regular belt would help but with the belt buckled tight the pants may not be falling off but it is still ill fitting. It looks terribly baggy. Seems I've lost quite a lot of my butt (yay!)

Pants falling off! - Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
See, even with the belt, it's obvious my thunder thighs have now become less thundery!
Pants falling off! - Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I ate at my regular Malay rice stall today and the usually grumpy aunty there commented that I had lost weight. She actually stared at my tummy and smiled before using her hands to gesture that I had shrunk. Here's what I ate. Doesn't look like a dish someone trying to lose weight would eat, right? Hehe.
Yummy lunch - Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Eat healthily, lah. There's no reason why someone who's trying to lose weight needs to survive solely on grass. I find that if I don't keep myself full at mealtimes, I will attempt to snack when my stomach growls an hour or two later. It's not wrong to snack but most times, we end up eating something totally unhealthy as a snack and that totally defeats the purpose of eating so lean during proper meal times. That works for me; keeping myself full at meal times. It may or may not work for you. You may find eating small portions every few hours may work better for your metabolism.
I would recommend anyone who is trying to lose weight, to take pictures of themselves, especially the face. It's difficult taking quick selfies of one's whole body (who wants to set up photographic equipment right?) but relatively simple to take a selfie of at least the face (because many people who can surf the net and read this blog, do own a phone with camera capabilities).
Here's what I discovered when I did a comparison. OH MY GOODNESS!!!
Inch loss - July to September 2015 comparison pics
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Same dress. Same spectacles. Same hair (no wig, no extensions, same makeup brands).
Subtle difference......NOT! You can see the fats from the face have lessened. The face looks more 'chiselled' / angular. Not much weight lost but definitely the exercises and healthier eating habits have amounted to something.
Even just from September to October 2015, I can see a difference. Okay, this one is a subtler difference but when we're losing inches or weight at snail's pace, any iota of difference makes a world of difference!!!
Inch loss - September to October 2015 comparison pics
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I'm pretty sure after that big lunch today, that my weight would have shot up by now. I'll really have to watch what I eat tonight because I know I can nail this!
Cheers! Much love, peeps!

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