2 Oct 2015

Flabby stomach

For record purposes, I snapped a pic of myself. This is just so that I can look back and compare from my face size, if I show any progress in my weight loss journey. This is me smiling so that I can see how far my cheeks will expand when I smile!

Early October 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

If you compare to early April 2015, I think the difference is apparent (especially the cheeks!):

Early April 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Sorry, if my regular readers keep seeing the same April photo. I'll try to dig up other pics from around the earlier part of 2015.
Very slow progress weight wise. To be honest, it is terribly depressing. Depressing because I exercise daily, leh. Alamak! It's not easy to lose weight while eating 'normally' and exercising. I think this type of combination is more suited for someone 'maintaining' rather than trying to lose weight. But, since I can see inch loss clearly, something is working in my favour and I really should not give up!
I look at my flabby stomach and wish I could magically make this whole chunk disappear and in its place, a svelte, taut tummy would appear. Instead, I see this whole flab hanging near the panty line. I could blame it on having had 2 C-section deliveries but I do not recall being this fat even after the birth of my second child (the boy). In fact, I managed to lose nearly all the pregnancy weight and kept it there for some years. But over the years, I found that I was adding 1 kg per year and it did not seem like much back then but as you can see in the early April pic, it added up to a mountain of kilos. I did get diagnosed with PCOS only way after having 2 kids (I did have difficulty conceiving the first child - it took 3 years and my child was conceived naturally). It doesn't meant I didn't have PCOS before the kids. I had all the symptoms but just had not been diagnosed with it until later. So having PCOS could explain why the weight was piling on when I wasn't snacking, eating very much or despite the fact that I remained quite active back then.
I look back and wonder whey I hadn't taken the bull by the horns and started seriously changing my diet and lifestyle back then! Now, I am apparently left with about 15 kgs (33lbs) to lose!!! (my estimated ideal weight).
I do realise that after the birth of my second child, I didn't carry very heavy items because the womb needed to recover from the second C-section. My obstetrician and gynaecologist had said my womb and the stitching were in good shape and that I could afford to have several more C-sections, but I felt that the 2 C-sections had really weakened my womb so the thought of going to the gym (although I have had a gym membership all this time) was never on my mind. I say my womb is still frail because I can't even have a stomach massage (when I go for massages) without feeling weird at the tummy and near the operated line. Just to explain, when you see the horizontal cut wound after a C-Section, it doesn't mean your insides weren't cut vertically, hor! So I basically have a T-shaped wound. The vertical cut is invisible and only the horizontal cut is visible (and it's not that big. Quite short actually). The C-sections could be the reason I have such a lax womb now and my tummy overhangs at the panty line but you know what, I refuse to give up! I won't let the PCOS diagnosis or the fact that I've had 2 C-sections deter me from losing the tummy fats. These are all just excuses, excuses, excuses. I will over come them...eventually!!! 
I told hubs about the few miserable kilos I had lost over the 2 months and he was very encouraging. He said it wasn't too bad to him. But he did warn me to check if I was exercising correctly. He was concerned that I was exercising wrongly and that it would cause me to increase my weight instead. I told him that need not be a concern because I was losing inches and that should be a clear indication that something good was taking place. Also, I feel very good health wise. It could be that I have started to really THINK about what I put into my mouth these days. Not that I am on any fad diet or anything. I am still eating everything but I put some thought into balancing a binge-eating day with a more conservative eating day. The most significant differences I have made to my life is I am eating a lot less rice these days and I exercise nearly every day.
Well, the weight loss this week had been depressing. I feel I have lost some water / bloat from my face and arms this week, as compared to last week but something's up with my tummy. It's still bloated. I'm going to see if my rice or noodle intake has been too much for it to take.
I will continue to exercise not because I am forcing myself but because I feel good after the exercise. I've still not put any rules to the routines I do on the rebounder. I put on any music I want and I do any routines I feel like doing. I do about 20-30 minutes each day, depending on the intensity of the routines. Maybe looking at the clock is one rule. So okay; one rule. So far, it's become a part of me and nowadays, when my kids come barging into the room while I am on the rebounder, they don't bat an eyelid seeing their underwear clad mum prancing on the rebounder!
Have a good weekend!

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