6 Oct 2015

Lowest weigh in (after a long while) once again

So, I don't know how I did it again but I weighed in at my lowest weight record (in a long while) yet again today! This is after I started to take in one or two rest days from my exercise routine and ate in moderation (or maybe not if you see the following pics).

Started with a decadent Sara Lee cheesecake on Friday night (and some ice-cream!!!)

Cheesecake treat, Friday 2 Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Can't recall what I had for Saturday lunch but I think it was something unhealthy like nuggets (but warmed up in the Philips Air Fryer). That evening, I cooked fried beehoon (rice vermicelli) and it was yaaaaahhhh.....meeeeeee.......yummy! Haha, I know, self-praise. I think I outdid myself this time with the taste. My daughter is my biggest bee hoon critic and she said it was delicious.
 My fried beehoon 3 Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Again, I can't recall what I ate but I know I was having bites of home-scooped tub ice-cream here and there (and so was my dog)! Oh come on, don't go ape-shi*t over me feeding my dog ice-cream. She's more than a decade old and if she loves it, I'll give her a little once in a while as a treat! In fact, we didn't even realise she liked ice-cream until last week!

We went out for lunch and I had a whole Hainanese Chicken rice set and some deep fried chicken wings and wait for this....sago pudding with gula melaka (brown sugar) and a dollop of vanilla ice-cream! I think we over ate for lunch and for dinner that night, all that the kids wanted was instant noodles! I didn't really eat a whole packet, I just finished the scraps which both kids couldn't eat (because I was still feeling stuffed).

I did make myself rebound on Sunday evening for about 20 minutes because I couldn't get over the guilt of having eaten so much sugary stuff and ice-cream! Mmmm...the gula melaka was so sweet but just what I needed!

I was on leave from work on Monday morning and so had time to squeeze in an alone-time breakfast at a hawker centre. My favourite black fried noodles from the Nasi Lemak stall. Added in cabbage and brinjal too (rather than ordering a slice of luncheon meat or chicken wing etc)

Fried hawker noodles 5 Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
Lunch was a pathetic fish soup dish ordered at the same hawker centre at which I had eaten the black noodles. I had paid more to have Red Garoupa and guess what? There were like 5 pathetic small pieces of sliced fish in the soup. I controlled myself and didn't snack even though I was hungry again within 2 hours of finishing the sliced fish soup.
For dinner, I made burgers with some meat sausages but for myself, I only ate one bun and piled my plate high with veg and a bit of stir-fried mushrooms (please note, mushrooms and eggs = yucks). Hubs and I had had a long day (I was on leave to run some errands) and we slept very early. I decided to give my exercise a miss because I hade been walking the whole day and was spent!
Thus, to say that after the whole weekend of eating regular portions, that I was not surprised when I weighed myself this morning, is a lie. I was pleasantly shocked, in fact. The magic number was lower than my previous record low. LOL. I shall call this my magic number from now on. It is the 'low weight' which I see registered once every blue moon. Too long I say but heck, once every two weeks is better than not seeing the magic number at all!
What is this magic number I am referring to? Let's say you weigh 50 kgs (hypothetically, lah). Then for the next 14 days, you exercise, you watch your diet, you cheat, then you fast, whatever etc....then suddenly, it all averages itself out and suddenly, you see this 'low' weight (for example 47 kgs) which you won't see again for another 14 days. So for the rest of the days, it's a yo-yo weight recorded (if you like me would like to check every day) and you may fluctuate between 48-49.5kgs. Then one day about 2 weeks later, you see that you're weighing in at 46 kgs! Yep! This magic number is what I am looking forward to and it's what motivates me, whatever any one else may say. You may say that inch loss is better. Yes, I know, why not right? You look leaner with inch loss but I must be honest and say, it is the weight loss I am looking forward to!
I know that if I so desire, I can see the magic number and then eat veg for the rest of the day or week for that matter and I know that my weight will fall drastically but....I...will...not. Because I love food too much! Instead, I thought about what I was going to have for dinner tonight and I knew I was just going to be eating a huge salad with no dressing and just some chicken pieces. So for lunch, I had about 4 spoons of rice to go with the rest of my delicious Malay food:

Malay dish 6 Oct 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
It looks like a lot of rice but if you look carefully under the chicken gravy, there isn't much rice. It's maybe 4 spoons worth of rice. The dish is made up of a chicken in gravy, sambal goreng, french beans, quail eggs and chilli.

I'm not afraid of going over my 1500 calorie guide because like I said, I'll be having veg and a bit of chicken tonight. I'll also be exercising tonight just because I feel up to it today. Seeing my record low MAGIC NUMBER) really cheers me up! Yay! 

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