9 Nov 2015

Had a great weekend!

I could barely drag myself up this morning Had makan (food) sessions 3 nights in a row! Started on Friday evening with my Junior College buddies, then Saturday evening with my Secondary School buddies and then last night with the family! Not that I planned it that way it just so happened that way.

Photo credit to family member
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Didn't exercise since Thursday! That's 3 nights off so was pleasantly surprised that I hadn't put on as much weight as I had expected over the weekend!

Here I am after a whole weekend munching on noodles of all sorts!

9 November 2015
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015
I looked exceptionally bloated (my face) in my Saturday night photos with my friends because earlier in the day, I had had quite a lot of fried noodles for lunch! I'd stuffed myself with several plates of Mee Goreng! Oh well. So be it. I'm not going to worry myself sick as long as I am still on track with losing some weight. I've still not hit a magic number but I've already shifted 'downwards'. Let me try to explain. That is like saying, you lose some weight and you're now 60 kgs but you eat a lot over a few days and you go up to 63 kgs. Over the course of one or two weeks (it takes me two weeks at least), you may have lost another 1 or 2 kgs, so you're now let's say 58 kgs. When you eat alot (again!) over a few days, your weight increases but now, it only increases to 61 kgs. So you sort of know that if you carry on with your exercise regime AND you are still eating fairly well (with the occasional binge eating or treat), you have now, shifted downwards. In order to shift upwards again, you might have stopped exercising and started eating really much, much more. So yeah. I've not hit another magic number but I've shifted downwards. In a nutshell, your binge eating weigh in has gone down! For me, it's a small motivation to stay on track.
Have a good week ahead, peeps!

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