18 Nov 2015

1 week after Appendectomy (surgery to remove appendix)

(Warning: Battered belly button picture below. Stop reading if you're squirmish).

It's been 1 week since I underwent surgery to have my appendix removed.

Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Although the hospital issued me with 4 levels of pain killers, I have been restricting myself to take only the lowest level and only when the pain seems to be nagging. I am not trying to be a hero but just would like to know how I am truly healing. When I got up from a reclining position this morning, I could feel that it was less painful to do so.

It is a far cry from a week ago when I had to grab the edge of my mattress to drag myself up. Even then, the pain in my abdomen was excruciating. My appendectomy was conducted via laparoscopy. This is also referred to as 'keyhole' surgery by many. It was explained to me that that would be the preferred route but if they weren't able to access my insides for any reason (for example because of the scar tissues caused by my previous two C-section deliveries), they would then proceed with open surgery near the appendix (bottom right of your abdomen).

I thank God that the laparoscopic surgery had been a success. There were 3 incisions. One via the belly button, one to the left of the belly button and one below the belly button (which they had cut just next to my C-section scar).

It's funny that I had taken to blogging about my waistloss the past few months, which in turn had led me to take unglamourous and unabashed selfies of my navel / belly button! Woe is my belly button. It is now battered and bruised! It looks nothing like my original! *weeps*

 My belly button before the appendectomy
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

Laparoscopic Appendectomy 
(belly button post-surgery)
Copyright Fiona C Yeo @ Cartoon Lagoon 2015

I purposely left the brown looking mole so you know it's the same belly button. Haha. The inane things I get up to when I have time to do nothing!

Life has been good. It's the first time in 16 years since I started working at my current job that I have taken a leave of absence for such a long time. I have not had so much nothingness and emptiness in my head for a very, very long time! I mean that in a good way. Empty! My brain (brain fog is taking place, yes. Probably due to the fact that I have gone under GA thrice in my life already!) is not worrying about work, not much about anything else. I rest and I rest and I rest. 

The amazing thing is I am awake really early and I make hobble slowly to the kitchen to try to make separate breakfasts for my men. I'll make something for myself and then when they have left, I'll walk very slowly down the stairs to walk the dog. Then I go back into the kitchen, maybe put something in the crockpot or maybe boil some porridge.

After that, I go back to lie down. The thing is, I do feel tired after a while. It is weird. I didn't realise it until I read about the experiences of patients who have undergone appendectomies! Also, despite the fact that people think keyhole surgeries are just making a few tiny holes, it would surprise you to know that it is still a surgery. For me, my navel hurts the most and then second would be the incision on the left. The one below is irritatingly just there AND there is also the appendix wound itself which hurts but cannot be seen. So, there are 4 areas which hurt in the recovery process.

The first time I made it to the toilet in the hospital room, I found that I couldn't lift my right leg without feeling the pain around the appendix area. It was strained and it still is but it is better now. I have learnt that to change my underwear, I have to slip it on the 'bad' leg first. It is much easier to struggle with the good leg thereafter.

For a person who had been exercising nearly every day for the past few months, it worries me that I will lose momentum and will have to rebuild my stamina all over again. Let's not even start about re-gaining all the lost weight. I could dwell on the fact that the appendectomy is a real stumbling block in my weightloss journey but I am trying to look at it another way; God is great!!! He prepared me so that I was a few kilos lighter at the time of surgery! I wa asked so many times if I was on any long term meds and I could proudly say I wasn't! Did I mention Iw as asked my weight and height several times before and after surgery and I also mamaged to keep my head held high as I read out my numbers! I also thank God for the strong arms I have developed! All those nights of push ups have helped me pull and prop myself up when I could not rely on my stomach muscles to get up!

So there. The cup is half full for me.

I've already hit my first mini goal. I'll just watch my diet and bring it down to the next mini goal. I should be much 'lighter' by the time I am well enough to rebound again (yes, of course I will be reboubding again!).

Till then, I'll try to keep myself chirpy!

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