17 Nov 2015

Appendectomy (Surgery to remove appendix)

It's been a week since I last blogged. Have been missing in action and I am trying to put words to my thoughts but can't seem to finish penning the events of 10th November.

I woke up on the morning of Deepavali to excruciating back ache and abdominal pain. While I will not go into detail about what unfolded thereafter, I will say I had an emergency operation to remove my appendix.

I will find time to write about my experience but meanwhile, I have been discharged from the hospital and am trying to rest and recover. The doctor ordered 3 weeks of medical leave and I ain't complaining. So far, after a week, my abdomen is still very bloated (think 5 months pregnant) and painful to the touch. Basically, I liken it to pain after my C-section deliveries.

Because I have been blogging about my exercise regime and weight loss, I would like to say that although I was solely on liquids at the hospital for 2 days, I had puffed up and put on 2 to 3 kgs by the time I got discharged! It was demoralising to say the least. I have not been back on my rebounder /mini trampoline since the night of 9th November 2015.

By the way, hubby tried to pin my appendicitis on my jumping on the trampoline but the doc said in not so many words that she wouldn't give it such credit. Basically, no. It had nothing to do with the jumping.

It was only about 4 days after the surgery that I was able to move my bowels again (probably cos I had not eaten any solids) and then the weight started to fall off again.

I am back to having a good appetite but am drinking soups boiled in my crock pot and eating porridge with yummy condiments. Because I am at home, I am able to eat small portions whenever I am hungry.

Me being me, I have still been stepping on my scale and whaddya know? I FINALLY hit another 'magic number' this week. In fact, I hit it twice. I am at an all time low, having

7 KILOS now (15.4 lbs)
since mid July 2015 (4 months).

Am I happy? Yes, except I may be weighing less but am sporting a pregnant look! Hopefully the distended tummy will deflate soon.

I am typing on my tablet and lying down and it hurts so I'm gonna stop here but will check in every once in a while. Meanwhile, I thank God that I came out of that episode alive and will live to tell my tale!

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